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Helena Harper stared at the gravestone in front of her. The sky was blue and cloudless, and the air held a gentle breeze that blew through her hair, moving it only slightly. She sighed in sadness as she looked at the gravestone.

Deborah Harper.

Helena knew that her sister's death was her fault. She could not contain her emotions, which made her an easy and vulnerable target. Deborah had been her stability, even though she was a party girl. Simmons had known that Helena loved her sister more than life. That's how he knew he could get Helena to help him breach the president's security. He had kidnapped both of them, then had taken Deborah away, ensuring her help. Helena knew in her heart that Deborah had been long gone before she had agreed to help. But the tiny spark of hope kept her going. That was what got Deborah killed. Helena had wanted to expose Simmons, so he had taken care of business, nearly ensuring his safety.

" I'm so sorry, Deborah," Helena spoke. " I tried to keep you safe, but my actions are what got you killed. It's time for me to accept the consequences of my actions."

Helena turned around and looked at the black limo behind her. Leon and Hunnigan were standing together off to the side, waiting for her. There were two men on each side of the car, hands folded in front of them, gazes directly ahead. Helena made her way over to Leon and Hunnigan. They moved away from each other and faced Helena. She sighed deeply and looked at the two.

" I'm ready."

Leon grabbed her hand, and Helena stared him in the eyes. She heard the rattle before she registered the metal in her hands. She looked down at the handgun Leon had placed in her hands.

" What?" she asked incredulously. " But, I assisted in the attack."

" The National Security has looked through the evidence, and found it unjust to hold you liable for Simmons' crimes," Hunnigan replied. " Also, they have decided that they will not be disclosing the information regarding the Raccoon City incident."

" It's what the president would have wanted," Leon chipped in. Helena looked at them both, happy and dumbfounded that they had decided to let her keep her job as a Secret Service Agent.

" Thank you."

" Shall we get going?" Hunnigan suggested. Helena and Leon nodded, then followed her.

" Hey, Leon."

Helena turned and threw the small makeup compact at him. He caught it and inspected. Puzzled, he looked at her for answers. She chuckled and answered his unspoken question.

" For the next time you see her."

Leon chuckled and mumbled under his breath.

" Women."


Sherry sat on the plane taking her back to the United States finishing up her report on the Muller case. Occasionally, she would look at her phone in anticipation, but nothing would happen. After a few moments, Sherry had finished her work and she closed her laptop. She sighed and leaned back into the chair, glad for the relaxation time. A flight attendant brought her a cup of tea before retreating to attend to others. Sherry thanked her as she left, and she sipped her tea carefully.

Her phone began to buzz beside her. Setting her cup down gently, she quickly picked up the phone and checked the message.

" I've decided to reduce the asking price from 50 million to 50 dollars."

Sherry smiled at the text from Jake. Slowly, but surely, he was coming around.

Jake watched as the plane carrying Sherry took off. He smiled to himself, then put on his sunglasses, turned on his motorcycle, and rode back towards Edonia, where he belonged.

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