Chapter 6

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They were strapped together, back to back, by metal bonds. The room the two were in was all metal, with a blue glint and trim. There was no other color, making the room blinding. Sherry stood there in silence, reflecting all the events that had led to their second capture. She was ashamed at herself for not seeing through Simmons' lies. She was ashamed that she had failed to complete her mission, and deliver Jake safely to the right hands. She had been played, and like a fool, she had fallen right into the trap.

" I'm sorry about this," Sherry said. She heard Jake turn his head to listen.

" It's all my fault. I should've been able to see through Simmons' lies, but I didn't. Now, here we are. I'm sorry, Jake."

" You were just... following orders, right?"Jake asked. " You didn't know. It's okay. You've kept me alive this long. I'm thankful."

" Thank you, Jake."

An alarm sounded, and the blue lights became red. Jake and Sherry looked around, and the heard a loud hiss from the metal keeping them bound. The locks were released, and Jake and Sherry were free. They fell to the ground and landed roughly. Sherry hit her shoulder, but luckily, it was not enough damage to render her arm useless. Jake had landed on his feet with ease, and Sherry had a small tingle of jealousy rush through her veins. She stood up and began looking for a way out. She looked through the glass keeping them in this cage, and saw their weapons sitting on a table.

" Of course," she sighed. Jake was at her side in an instant, and looked at the weapons.

" What do we do now?" Jake asked. Sherry looked around the room, but could not see another way through, except the door next to them. She tried to open it, but it was locked from the other side. She felt Jake tap her shoulder, and she faced him. He was pointing up.

" What about that?"

Sherry looked and saw that there was a small vent that she could crawl through.

" Boost me up," she told him.

" I know what I'm doing," he snapped, then apologized. She waved it off and positioned herself for lift off. Jake made a stirrup with his hands, then nodded at Sherry. She ran and jumped, and Jake threw her up easily. She grabbed the ledge and pulled herself up and into the vent. The space was cramped and cold, but Sherry pushed on, hoping to make it through with no trouble. She did, and she dropped down into the other room.

She was instantly attacked by a gray B.O.W that made small, groaning noises that were animalistic. When standing, it was lanky and could not walk straight. It had a circular head and a large circle mouth. Sherry ducked and rolled away from the creature as it lunged at her. It lost its balance, and it was the window she needed. She rushed to the table with the weapons and geared up. She looked back at the door that was locked and saw that it was an electric lock. She aimed her pistol and shot the lock. The door opened, and Jake emerged from the room. He went to the table while Sherry kept her eye on the B.O.W. It was getting back up and making its way to them. Sherry fired her gun at the creature's abdomen, and it broke apart, with its torso falling to the ground and the legs still standing.

" We need to leave," Sherry said.

" Let's go," Jake agreed, and the two left the area, looking for a way out of the facility.


Leon and Helena watched in horror as the missile exploded and filled the streets of Tatchi with blue, poisonous gas. The gas turned anyone who touched or inhaled it within seconds. Soon, the streets were flooded with infected. Leon could only watch in horror. It truly was Raccoon City all over again. He was frozen in place, as was Helena. This was the first time she was witnessing something like this. Both could not speak to one another.

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