Chapter 1

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December 23nd, 2012

Republic of Edonia, Eastern Europe

Darkness. That was all there was in the city of Edonia. The night sky was filled with small, dull stars, and the moon was nowhere in sight. No wind blew, no street lights were on, and no humans filled the streets. However, the sound of shuffling and moaning could be heard throughout the entire city. Edonia was infested, but not in the way any citizen would ask for.

Zombies roamed the streets, shuffling aimlessly, without a destination in their dead minds. Some zombies carried weapons with them, though none knew how to use them properly. B.O.W's knocked away the zombies, hoping to find their next meal, but to no avail. The city of Edonia was on lockdown, and only the reckless walked the streets, either out of bravery or stupidity, or both. Citizens looked out at the horde growing larger and closer to their location- the church. Children whimpered in the corners, and parents tried to keep them calm, but everyone knew what was going to happen. They were all going to die.

A shot rang out into the moaning night. The horde of undead stopped and turned towards the sound. They waited.

Another shot. It was heading away from the church. The horde followed it obediently, stumbling over each other to reach the target. Shots continued to fire throughout the city, leading the horde to the main square of town. The shots ceased to fire. The horde looked around, the thought of food filling their dead eyes. A zombie woman in the middle of the horde took a step forward. A click sounded. The horde turned towards it, but with no reward. The bomb had been activated. Any zombie within the square was obliterated to nothing but ash. The streets had been cleared out completely.

The citizens came out of the church cheering. They made their way to the main square, but saw no one that they could thank. However, that didn't mean that the vigilante wasn't watching them. On top of one of the gray apartment buildings was a young woman watching in satisfaction. Her sapphire blue eyes shone in the darkness as she watched over the crowd. Her long, raven black hair was pulled back into a loose braid that was thrown over her shoulder. Around her neck was a sapphire pendant hanging loosely on a silver chain. She wore a large leather jacket that had a red and yellow patch with a spider on it- the mark of a mercenary.

She stood up, her sniper gun in hand, and walked away from the crowd, towards the hatch on the roof. She was tired from the long days work, and all she wanted to do was go home and relax. Being a seventeen year old mercenary, she became exhausted easily during the night. She traded her sniper for the handgun in her holster that rested on her hip.

She opened the hatch carefully, gun drawn, and looked around. Nothing stirred, though that did not make her feel relaxed. Slowly, she lowered herself to the ground and listened intently. Nothing could be heard except her own breathing, which was almost silent. Still hesitant, she kept her gun out, then began walking to one of the exits. Nothing stopped her from reaching the flight of stairs, which felt strange to her. She didn't trust the situation, not even for a second.

She reached the top of the stairs and stopped, listening once more. Again, nothing made a sound, but the sense of uneasiness filled her. Why? She stayed like that for a good minute, waiting for something to happen. She wished something would make a noise, alerting her of the unknown presence stalking her, but there was only her and the silence in the room. Hesitantly, she turned back to the stairs and descended.

She felt it before it registered in her brain. A hand pushing her forward, and she stumbled and fell. Quickly, she twisted her body and covered her head, saving her from serious injuries. Once on a platform, she got up and aimed her gun at the threat. The sight in front of her confused her. It was a zombie, but it held a gun properly and was aiming it. The patch of a mercenary was visible on its coat, and it seemed to be speaking Russian. The girl hesitated a second too long. The zombie-human shot at her, catching her leg. She fell in pain, but did not waste the time thinking about it. She aimed and fired at the zombie, hitting it in the shoulder. The zombie screamed in pain, stumbling backwards. The girl shot once again, this time in the head. The zombie fell dead, bursting into flames. The girl sat there for a moment to take everything in, then remembered that she was bleeding. Wasting no time, she rolled up her pant leg and examined the damage. There were two holes on both sides of her leg, cleanly lined up. She sighed in relief, took off her jacket, ripped up a good amount of her black tank top to make a bandage, and patched herself up the best she could. Once the bandage was secured, she put her jacket back on and zipped it up halfway, then proceeded to stand.

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