Chapter 2

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" What?" was all Cecile could say. She stared at Chris in confusion, while he looked back at her with shocked hope. He took a step towards her, and she took a step back.

" What do you mean, you're my father?" she asked him. " I never met my father. I only had my mother for the first three years of my life, then I was on my own at age nine after staying at an orphanage. I never had a father figure in my life."

As she spoke, Chris' expression switched back to confusion, but he listened intently to every word, as if each one would be the last she ever spoke.

When she finished her sentence, Chris shook his head and laughed.

" Post Traumatic Amnesia. It's very common to get if you've had a brain injury during a traumatic event. Don't worry, though. Your memory will come back to you when it wants to, and when you are ready for the truth."

" Captain," Piers interrupted. " We need to head out. Delta Team is in trouble."

" Alright," Chris agreed. " Let's go. You too, Cecile."

" What?" she asked dumbly. Chris laughed and motioned for her to follow him. Obediently, she did, following him like a lost puppy dog. Piers followed behind her, a little too closely, though she could understand why. She didn't blame him too much. After all, she was still a mercenary.

She felt Piers lean in close to her ear and, as he spoke, his breath gently caressed her ear with a warm breeze in the cold, sending a shiver up her spine.

" I am so sorry for the way I treated you before. I didn't know you were Chris's child."

" It doesn't matter who I am," Cecile countered. " You should be nice to all people, unless they are shooting at you. That's the only exception."

He didn't say anything else after that and continued to walk closely to her.

The trip was done in silence, with Chris looking back at Cecile occasionally with a grin on his face. She smiled back at him after a while, feeling a little guilty and sympathy for the man. He really believed that she was his daughter who had died, but Cecile knew the truth. She never had a father in her life. It had been only her from the time she was nine to the time she was fifteen, when she met Jake.

A Humvee drove up to them when they reached an abandoned area of town. Chris got in the back with ease and held out his hand for Cecile. Hesitantly, she took it, and he pulled her inside and sat her next to him. Piers followed and sat next to Cecile, his sniper in hand and ready. The back of the Humvee closed, and they were off.

" So," Chris began. " What have you been doing for the past three years? I'm curious."

" Uhh," Cecile mumbled, deciding if she should tell this stranger or not.

He's not a stranger.

" I had found Edonia on August 10th, 2009," she began. " It was cold and dark. I had been walking for days trying to find some town or small village at least. I was dying from exhaustion, and I collapsed just outside the city borders. I knew I was being followed by a few zombies, but I couldn't continue. I was ready to die."

As she spoke the last sentence, she felt Chris flinch against her. She continued after taking a breath.

" As one of the zombies was about to catch me, someone jumped from the trees and killed it. I stayed conscious long enough to see a man kill the rest of the zombies with a speed and agility that I had never seen before. Everything went black as he approached me.

" I woke up the next day in a small hospital. It took a couple of days to fully recover. When I was released, I went searching for the man who saved my life. I didn't have to look very far though. He was looking for me anyway. When we met once again, I asked him to train me to fight the way he did. He wasn't expecting that kind of response, but agreed to train me on one condition- that I would help him pay his bills. He didn't think it was safe for someone untrained to live alone in this town, and he wasn't wrong. I agreed, and training began. He taught me basic self-defense moves first, and I surprised us both by being able to defend myself before he taught me. I guess I had learned something without remembering it. Anyway, the training went on for a year before he allowed me to work as a real mercenary. Before, I had been a busgirl for a tavern about three blocks away from the house. I was harassed of course, but I had new skills to use if any guy decided to try something new to get my attention. When he told me that I was ready to become a real mercenary, I was excited. I would be doing something great for this city. At least, that's what I thought.

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