Filler Chapter - Sasuanaru

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A/N This cute little chappy takes place after their win with the bell test but before their hokage meeting.

Narutos POV

It's been a few days after our fabulous win against kaka-nii, everything was going fine until I found my self on a date with a certain raven haired boy. His proposal went something like this.

Flashback no jutsu

*knock knock*

'Who the fuck is that it's 8 in the fucking evening assholes' I walked to my door after I begrudgingly dragged my poor over worked body out of bed. I swung the door open and standing in the pouring rain, panting heavily was Uchiha.


I kept a calm and neutral expression as I asked the unspoken question that needed to be answered. "What the fuck are you doing here?" My voice was still calm even though I was freaking out on the inside.

ANBU training to its fullest right here.

"I *pant* needed to *pant* ask you something" by the end of his crappy explanation he caught his breath and was now standing straight while looking straight into my eyes, silently begging me to release him from the cold.

"No shit Sherlock, tell me what you want then" I stepped to the side as a silent gesture to come in and he took it quiet eagerly. I went to get him a towel while I heard him explain his reason.

"W-Well you see I wanted to know if you'd . . . um . . . like to. . . Uh" I walked back to the living room where he kneeled on one knee and carried on, a slight blush on his pale cheeks as he stared into my eyes. "Would you do me the honer of letting me take you out on a date" he spoke fast but I still caught it all.

I stood their speechless as I asked the question I feared to know the answer to. "Are you trying to court me Uchiha?" His blush darkened.

"Uh I wouldn't go that far I don't have the intention of marriage yet-"

"YET!?" Now he was almost bright red.

"T-THATS Not what I meant I just... well... hang out?"

"So not a date?" I raised a single eyebrow waiting to see how he'd dig himself out of this one.

"NO! I mean... *sigh* just go on a date with me usuratonkachi"

"Wow your winning my heart already" I fluttered my eye lashes at him. He sighed again and got up.

"Is that a yes?" He smirked slightly.

"Fine, but I get to pick the place."

"... fine where to ma'am" he did a mock bow, his right arm behind his back and his left hand holding mine. He kissed the top of my hand gently, I could feel my checks heating up. I took my hand away and ran to the door shouting.


flashback no jutsu

And here we are sitting in uncomfortable silence waiting to be served our ramen. "So do you wanna tell me why you asked me out Uchiha?" I sipped on my coke as I looked at him through the corners of my eyes.

"Why do you call me that?" He rested his head on his hand and faced me.

"Hm? Don't you like it?"

"No I don't." Now this is intriguing.

"And whys that?"

"Because it shouldn't define me" my eyes widened at his momentary wisdom.

"But it does, your the last Uchiha right?"

"Yes, and with that name I have the burden of carrying on my clan. . . If I'm honest I think it would be better if the clans blood line stopped with me"

"Ah the duty of a man, go down with his clan, honourable" he chuckled lightly at that.

"That rhymed" we stayed silent for a moment before bursting out with laughter. By the end of our laughing fit we had tears in our eyes and food on the counter.

"That's the first time I've heard you properly laugh" I smiled slightly at my achievement.

"Hn first time in a while I've laughed, thank you for that" he smiled warmly at me as I began to break my chop sticks. Before I began to dig in I asked him one final question.

"You're paying right?" He smiled and nodded. Better get out your wallet Sasuke. . . I ain't cheep.


By the end of my feast Sasukes wallet was almost completely empty. "Damn and here I thought I could empty you out." We both sighed at that, however for two very different reasons then chucked slightly.

"Well care to going for an evening stroll" he was smirking that arrogant smirk I've began to like.

"Sure" I smiled at him as we walked around town, it was dark now so the lights were out and not many people around, which I was thankful for. We began to play word association.











We both laughed uncontrollably again "SASUKE ahahaahaa WTF MAN"

" ahahaaha I JUST COULDNT HELP MYSELF" we both calmed down after a while and sat on a bench in a park under a cherry blossom tree. He laid his head on my lap while i played with his ebony black hair.

"Surprisingly soft" he closed his eyes as I continued to stroke my hands through his hair.

"It wouldn't be that bad to marry me, right?" I chuckled at the uncertainty in his voice.

"No Sasuke you'd be a wonderful husband." He opened one eye and stared into my eyes, he smiled softly.

"So my courting you is still available right" I could feel my cheeks getting warmer.

"Maybe, but you know I'm not cheep" I smirked slightly as I remembered his just empty wallet. He chuckled lightly, then reached his hand up to tuck a stray strand of blonde hair behind my ear, he creased my cheek as I leaned into his touch. For once not minding the contact.

He leaned upwards towards me as I did the same towards him, it was slow like the climax to a great movie our lips touching ever so softly, moving in perfect sync like the time before, but this time something was different the need was stronger the passion more intense.

The bond


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