chapter 6

242 17 8

Self harm tw.

Peggys P.O.V

I woke up early, I mean really early. I rolled over too see the numbers my alarm clock displayed were 2:28AM.

I groaned, memories of the night before flooded my brain and I mentally face palmed 'Stupid peggy'

I realised no one would be up at this time so there would be no one too stop me inflicting pain on myself..

I was supposed to be in rehabilitation because my sisters were fed up with my scars and finding bloody razor blades on the sink but now I had my own private bathroom.

I decided that after last nights events a reasonable number of cuts would be 17, I mean I was a complete and utter bitch.

I swung my legs over my bed and let my feet take me towards the door after opening it I locked it quietly and made my way up to the sink.

After locating my blade I rolled up my pants to reveal healing scars 'too bad they coulsnt stay healing'  I thought reopeneing some deep scars, memories engulfing my brain

There were recent-ish memories and older middle school ones, I started cutting round grade 6 when the bullying got to intense to handle and my sisters no longer caring

I winced at the all too familiar pain, why was I like this? Why couldt I be perfect like eliza or feisty and strong willed like angelica... No I had to be broken, weak, stupid peggy

For godsake no one even remembers my name! Margarita 'peggy'   schuyler its not even that hard to remember!! Would maria remember? Probably not.. I saw her making heart eyes at eliza anyways...

I hid my blade, left the bathroom and crawled back into my bed thinking about maria.

She dozed off too her own thought of 'It would take a miracle for someone that outstanding to remember my name..'

Ayeeeeeeee I'm backkk with some... news? Im finally coming out and telling y'all your fav Australian weirdo (me) is trans and bi and would love it if y'all called me charlie...please? He/They pronouns ily all sorry for not posting in a gazillion years...


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