To Hogwarts

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Sirius's wounds were taken care of by aunt Andromeda but the wound in his back was not properly healed and even a light punch would hurt though he was quite relived to hear that his parents were away and he didn't need to see them untill Christmas hols. He couldn't wait to see his friends James potter and Remus Lupin. His parents weren't pleased to see him with them who they called Blood traitor and half breeds.But this year he doesn't need to receive death glares or a tight grip on his shoulder from his father. He wouldn't worry about threatening notes from cousin Bella either.

Soon enough the day of them going back to Hogwarts arrived and Sirius and Regulus accompanied by their aunt Andromeda reached platform 9¾ and this time Sirius was free without his parents by his side.

He boarded the Hogwarts express and went into the usual maruders coach and he saw his best friends James and Remus sitting there. "Hey paddy, you know I started thinking that you were dead or something.You never connect into that two mirror at home and you never respond to our letters." said James. "Well u see James I am really busy,unlike you of course."Sirius answered with a smirk and earned a playful nudge in his ribs from James.But unfortunately Sirius's wound had still not healed.

He made a weird sort of noise between a scream and a laugh but turned it in to a cough and hoped that no one would notice.But James as a keen watcher especially for helping his friends noticed and knew some thing was wrong but he thought that he could find out at Hogwarts and besides sirius might tell him himself.

Sorry it might be short but I was doing this as a fillerchapter. I will make the next chapter long.

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