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I love the pic I just attached.

Remus p.o.v

We both agreed and came back to the Gryffindor common room to see Sirius deep in sleep. Ahh...... how peaceful and calm Sirius looked when he was asleep. Like a face of an innocent child who never knew what trouble was. I could keep looking at him forever like that.

My thoughts were intrupted by James. " I'll go and wake him up" James said and started walking towards the couch. I hurried towards James and placed a arm on his shoulder and he turned back towards me. "Let him sleep now. He is deep in sleep and we shouldn't disturb him. James nodded in agreement and said, "Well you are right and I think I will be going to sleep now. Do you want to come Moony?" "I think I'll stay here" I said still not taking my eyes of him. James left to our dorm and I sat on the arm chair opposite to the couch Sirius was sleeping and countinued admiring the baby like boy asleep untill I myself dozed of.

Sirius p.o.v

Sirius........Sirius................SIRIUS! Remus screamed in my ear I jerked but didn't wake up. I turned away and pulled a pillow over my face.

There was a moments silence and then I felt ice cold water over my face and I sat up gasping for breath. Remus pulled me up and I saw James next him with grin and a bucket with him. "You absolute son of a MORON. Its a Sunday let me sleep peaple." I moaned. "Sirius haven't you heard; The early bird gets the worm" Remus blabbered. I just got up and aimed a punch towards James as he moved away and I stumbled but gained my balance shortly.

I took my clothes to the shower which I usually don't and recived a frown from both my besties.

"What are you two frowning about?" I asked. "Sirius what is wrong with you" asked Remus a little worried. OK..... A lot worried. I knew where this was going and I tried to be casual. " What do you mean Mooney" I ask innocently. "You very well know what he means Sirius." James says crossly. I gulp. "Sirius why are you in a great deal of pain when someone pats or punches you in a friendly manner and why do you always change your clothes in the washroom now a days?" James continues but this time much more worrid but not angry.

I try my best and say," James I am not in pain and about the clothes thing, I just decided we grew a bit too old for it"

James and Remus don't look convinced but James is pissed off and he goes inside the other washroom.

Remus doesn't look angry but he is worrid.He walked towards me but doesn't look at me. "I thought you trusted me and James with everything. Maybe we aren't that good for you." He said and walked away too.

It just broke my heart to hear things like that from James and Remus. Should I tell them? But they would never want to be friends with a coward like me then.

I dropped to the floor half stumbling and I start sobbing and whimpering there untill I cryed myself to sleep.

James p.o.v

I take a shower after I leave. I didn't want to say those things to him but I can't belive he wouldn't tell us what's happening.

After I take a shower I go up to our dormy to see Remus sitting on the bed. I go over to him and say "don't worry he will eventually tell us." Remus smiles and got up. "Aleast wear your towel Prongs" He chuckles and I just realize I am still in my boxers. I hurry and pull my clothes over me and both me and Remus walk shoulder to shoulder to the common room. We were about to leave for breakfast but something diverted us.

In a corner was a bundle shaking.

Me and Remus go over there to find what it was. To our suprise it was our own Sirius shaking and shivering. Remus goes over and started rubbing Sirius's back but Sirius flinched and whimpered in pain. Remus shocked stopped rubbing and turned towards me.

"Remus pull up his shirt. I am sure something is hurting him."I say and kneel down next to Sirius.

Remus pulled Sirius's shirt and both of us gasped at the sight. Sirius's body was covered in cuts, bruises and burns but what was the worst was the huge cut that ran from his neck to his stomach.

I cant belive our best friend or more like my brother has gone through so much pain.

"let's carry him onto his bed and then wake him up to mend his wounds" Remus says

Me and Remus carry pur poor Sirius to his bed carefully not to touch his wounds much. We slowly lower him on the bed and Remus takes off his shirt and gently pats Sirius's shoulder.

As soon as Sirius wakes up he started sobbing."please don't leave me. I..I..I'm sorry. Your the only friends I have and I do trust you."

Remus hugs him gently not wanting to cause his pain. Sirius started crying in Remus's shoulder. I sit next to Sirius rubbing his back where there are no wounds.

" Don't worry Sirius we know what happened. Don't worry you will never have to go through that again. Just relax." Remus soothes him. Remus hand him to me and goes tho the washroom and comes back with a towel and a bowl full of murtlap essence. Sirius lays on my lap and Remus rubs murtlap essence on his wounds untill Sirius fell asleep.

Me and Remus still didn't know how Sirius got his wounds but we thought it was best to leave him so for now. We could ask him later once he had calmed down.

But I made a mental note to never to let Sirius go through that sort of a pain again.

Guys I hope you liked the chapter. And this is the longest chapter (1072) I have written and guys please give suggestions in the comments of this story because I cant read the messages in my message box.

Also tell me if I am doing something wrong like grammatical mistakes or mistakes in my story line.

Thank you guys. See in my next chapter.

Everybody have Problems and then there are Friends Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant