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Sorry for taking so long.I promise I will at least make one update a week.And I do give shout outs to peaple.

James p.o.v Sirius still didn't tell what's wrong with him. I don't know what to do. I don't know what is wrong with so I don't know how to help him.Maybe I should ask Remus.He always comes up with all the solutions to all our problems. "Remus,I need to talk to you." Remus was sitting in the common room on a couch reading a book.He always does that.Remus answered with his eyes still on the book. "Not now Prongs.I'm busy." "Moony it's about Sirius." As soon as Remus hears these words he spinns around to me with a worrid look.I smirk at him and before I could tell him what, he took a quick look out for Sirius who was fast asleep on the other couch and grabbed a stunned James into an empty classroom. "Wha?....... Moony what the......." But I couldn't complete it as Remus clapsed a hand over my mouth muffling my voice. "I think I know what u wanted to say. I have been noticing Sirius for a couple days now since we arrived at Hogwarts. He gets freacked out because of loud noises,flinches when patted in multiple places like that day at the great feast when that boy peter patted his back and he flinched I swear I saw his grimance painfully." Remus ended. James was thinking deeply now and narrated what happened in the the train ride. "So what do we do James? I don't think he would tell us what's happening by his own." Remus asked when James finished narrating. "We will ask him what happened and then if he still doesn't tell is we use the the hard way."

Heey guys I hope you liked the chapter and i would like to thank a few peaple for their support:

WriterNaomi for her encouragement and ideas.

LILYPRIMROSEPOTTER and Hp_Gryffindor _2125 for their votes and comments and

Fleo1994 for her useful tips.

And i hpe I didn't make much grammer mistakes in this one.if I did please tell me and I shall correct them. thank u guys see in my next update.

Guys I would also love ideas from you no matter what they are and I will surely use them.

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