In the morning

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Sirius p.o.v

I wake up to find me laying in James lap with Remus by my side in a arm chair. I then remember and the events of the previous night come into my mind.Oh shit! Now they would know what happened to me, and they wouldn't want to be my friends and soon the whole school is going to know it and so is Marline and she would think I am really weak and there is going to no chance of her to ever love me! Oh no life is ruined.Just then James wakes up. Once realises that I am awake he smiles at me and and sits me up. Ok now something I going to happen and I will be kicked out of the marauders' group. "Hey Sirius how are feeling" he asked with a sleepy smile on his face. Well that was surprising but I know they are going to kick me out so what does it matter if answer or not now. "Sirius what's wrong?" he asked suddenly all the sleepiness vanishing from face replaced with a concerned look. I shake head in response but James is like my brother or at least we were so he knows all about me from my favourite colour to my favourite boxers and everything else so he immediately said " Sirius I know very well there is something wrong. Please tell me. I am only trying to help you." Well, since I am not going to a marauder anymore,I will just tell him the reason and get this over with. "You're going to kick me out aren't you? From the marauders?"

James p.o.v

I was frozen for a moment. How could he even think that? Suddenly Remus answers "Sirius! How could you possibly think that. We wouldn't even dream of doing so. There is no marauders without you." Which made us both jump. "Remus when did you wake up?You absolute freak of a creep. You gave me the shivers." "Ever since you asked Sirius how he was feeling james" Remus replies as calmly as ever.

Sorry so sorry guys. I know I didn't update in along time and the chapter was also very small but I had tons of work to do since I am in high school bur I will try best to update chapters as quickly as possible.

Guys I also added Marline as Sirius's pair as he doesn't have one in the book. I am also sorry that I have left it in a inappropriate ending but right now I don't have time so please forgive me guys and also was give me any of your ideas.

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