Chapter 5

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••~Ryan's POV~••
While our parents talk me and Laura walk off and do random stuff, she so beautiful everything about her, her personality, her eyes, her hair, her smile and her giggle is adorable I know this sounds cheesy but I really like this girl "so what do you want to do?!" She puts her hands on my shoulders and jumps and kind of spins after she does that she giggles I ample and say "ummm I actually have no clue." "How about we could to my place?" I can't believe what is happening right now "um yeah sure that sounds fun!" She giggles and I notice that she wearing a jumper its like 25° "aren't you hot in that jumper?" She looks at me and smiles weakly.....that smile is just so beautiful.

••~Laura's POV~••
Oh no oh fuck he's noticed well I might as well say goodbye to my only friend he looks at me and I say "uhhh you aren't cold cause I'm freezing?!" I should be safe this time hopefully he doesn't find out that I cut it'll probably scare him away "no not really." He's so polite and sweet anyway I grab his wrist and we quickly run to our parents "hey mum can Ry come over for a bit?" She smiles I know she'll say yes "of course do you want to go now? If that's ok with George of course?" He smiles and looks at Ryan "of course go have fun Ry." We start walking back home and my mum decides to break the silence "so Ryan what would like for lunch anything particular?" He smiles and "says no not really I just eat anything and everything." We both laugh a little. We finally get back home,"umm you want to go to my room?" "Sure" we walk up the stairs and I open the bedroom door, he notices my guitar and walks straight to it, its adorable.

••~Ryan's POV~••
She has a guitar! Its amazing too, I wonder if she writes I wonder if she sings "you play?!" I practically yell, she giggles and says "yeah I'm not that good though." "Do you play?" she asks with a huge cute smile on her face "yeah I write songs, and sing too." "Ooo sing me a song!" She pounces on to her bed and sits and begs me to sing her a song.

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