Chapter 13

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••~Laura's POV~••
I look up to see a boy with curly brown hair "oh my god I'm so sorry are you ok? here let me help you up." He extends his hand out and I take it and get up "th-thanks." I say quietly I can feel my anxiety getting worse "uhh my name is Taylor, Taylor York, yours? "I-im l-Laura." I say quietly but loud enough to hear "what classes are you in?" I hand him my timetable and he looks at it "hey! Your in the exact same classes as me!" I smile shyly "come on let's get to class we're already late." I follow him as we jog to class, we get there and walk in and everyone looks up at us I start shaking so Taylor grabs my arm to try and steady me "why are you two so late?" The teacher asks I look down so Taylor answers for me "uhh we got lost." I look up at him and quietly thank him "no problem" he mouths to me "alright then make sure it doesn't happen again, take your seats my." I see Brendon and Spencer in the front row I wish I could sit with them but there aren't any seats near them they smile and slightly wave at me so I do it back, Me and Taylor go to the seats right at the back and we sit next to each other, I feel calmer around him now I hope we can be friends and maybe he'll hang out with me and the others at lunch "Ok we'll go over everything again because those two had to be late, my name is Mrs Berry and I'll be your English teacher for the year." I lean close to Taylor and mutter "damn that's a shame we're stuck with Satan for the rest of the year." He looks at me and starts laughing he true his hardest to make sure he doesn't laugh to loud "Ok class get your textbooks out." I get my stuff out and put it on the desk "you should hang out with me and my friends at lunch." I say, he smiles and nods "yeah sure I'd love to." We start doing our work, maybe this isn't as bad as I thought it would be I mean I made a new friend and he is awesome."Laur? what's the answer for number 5?" I look down at my answers "um I got German for that one." "I did to I just wasn't too sure thanks Laur, oh you don't mind I call you that do ya?" "Its fine everyone calls me that." "Hey you two stop the chit chatting and start working." Mrs Berry yells at us, me and Taylor look at each other and roll our eyes. I look up at the clock we have 5 more minutes left of this class thank god and Ryan is in the next class which is science and I'm not sure which class Hayley is with us in but oh well I guess I'll find out, we have 1 minute till bell now so I start packing my stuff up like everyone else the bell finally rings me and Taylor get up and Brendon and Spence walk up to us "Hey Laur!" Brendon practically yells "Geez Bren calm down or your gonna scare the guy away, what's your name dude?" "His names Taylor he's gonna be joining our group." "Oh really? Cool, Laur pass your timetable I want to see your classes." I give him my timetable "Yes! Me you and Bren have the same classes." "Taylor also have the same classes as us, what about Jon?" "I haven't seen Jon all day." Taylor stays silent "what's wrong?" I ask quietly to him "i-i just I don't feel like I belong that's all." "Of course you belong here you'll fit in great just talk to the guys and I bet they'll like you." "Okey thanks Laur I've only known you for one hour and you're already my bestfriend." "No problem, can I give you a nickname?" "Haha sure." "Yay thanks Tay." We walk to up to the science room. We walk in and I see Ryan and the whole row next to him is empty I realized all of us were pretty early for class I sat right next to Ryan and and Taylor sat on the other side of me "Hey Ryro." "Hey princess." "Taylor this is my boyfriend Ryan." "Ryan this is the new boy in our group Taylor."

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