chapter 10

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••~Laura's POV~••
Me and Ryan sit there in silence I really need to talk to him about the almost kiss but Hayley's here unless we go for a walk "Ry do you want to go for a walk?" He looks at me with a face like 'I know why and I think we need to talk about too' "yeah." I quickly run upstairs "Hayley me and Ry are going for a walk!" "ok you to have fun but not too much fun." I walk downstairs giggling and he was giggling too I think he heard what Hayley said and how she said it. We walk out the door and start walking towards the way the park is "soooo about the almost kiss." "Lau I'm sorry I didn't mean its just you look pretty when your sad and I wanted to cheer you up and I felt bad an-" before he can finish I kiss him so he'll shut up when we pull apart he looks happy but stunned "and I like you a lot." He finishes his sentence, I roll my eyes and giggle and kiss him again it feels amazing to kiss him. After we pull apart we keep walking he grabs my hand as we walk "do you want to meet my friends?" He asks "sure." We walk down to a house that is surprisingly close to mine and Ryan knocks on the door "hey Ry! Hey girl that is holding hands with Ry." We all laugh after that "come in you two." Ry looks at me and says "Laura Spencer, Spencer Laura." I shake Spencer's hand "nice to meet you Spencer." "yeah you too, also Ryan is practically my brother and obviously there is something going on between you two and he seems really happy with you so you are now my sister." "aww thanks Spence." I say and I pull him in to a hug "I guess you are my brother now." "so are the others here." Ry asks but Spencer shakes his head "nah they left a few minutes ago man." "oh ok then I guess we will just be hanging out with, not that that's a bad thing." We all go sit down and its kind of silent "so are you two like dating or something?" me and Ryan look at each other I don't know what we are I really hope he says we are though.

••~Ryan's POV~••
Do I say yes or no I mean I guess I say yes I mean after all we have kissed twice. I put my arm around Laura and she snuggles up to me "yep." I say then I kiss her head Spence looks at us and smiles "I SHIP IT!" we all laugh until Laura's phone buzzez she checks her phone "its from Hayley she wants us back." Spencer frowns after that "do you want to come Spence?" She asks him his face then lightens up "yeah ok."

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