Yami Yugi (S0) - When She Cries

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  Little girl terrified
She'd leave her room if only bruises would heal  

I sat in my room once again, tears streaming down my face as the pounding on my door continues. 

  A home is no place to hide
Her heart is breaking from the pain that she feels

Another terrible day, waking up to the yelling of my parents and heading to school, sneaking out to avoid the wrath of my father.  It was a rather warm day and my long sleeves did not help the heat, but I'd rather burn then let anyone see the bruises and cuts on my arms. But that's nothing new, I've been doing this for three years now.

Every day's the same
She fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides, and tries to pray
She wonders why, does anyone ever hear her when she cries

I ignore all the glares I get from other students, they hate me too, but I'm used to being hated. My eyes are red from all the crying I've been doing but no one seems to care. 

 Today she's turning sixteen

It's my birthday too, but what does anyone else care? I see my group of 'friends' laughing and smiling about something Jounichi said. Yugi spots me and waves at me, that smile of his on his face. 

Everyone singing, but she can't seem to smile
They never get past arms length
How could they act like everything is alright?  

I don't respond and continue walking to class, his expression falls and he looks worried, for a brief second his eyes flash red but I don't notice. 

She's pulling down her long sleeves
To cover all the memories that scars leave
She says, "maybe making me bleed
Will be the answer that could wash the slate clean"

I fidget with my sleeves, nervous someone will see the scars I've put there. So far its the only way to briefly relieve myself of the pain.  Even then, it comes back once my father gets home, and he adds bruises to go along with the cuts. All I can do is pray that it'll end quickly.

Every day's the same
She fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides, and tries to pray
She wonders why, does anyone ever hear her when she cries  

School goes by slowly, barely hearing my teachers give lectures and remind us about our assignments. I'm just dreading going home, I don't want to leave and face my personal hell alone anymore. But no one hears me when I cry, not even Yugi or Yami. 

This is the dark before the dawn
The storm before the peace
Don't be afraid 'cause seasons change and
God is watching over you
He hears you  

Yami. I've known about him for a year now, ever since he saved me and Yugi from that bully. He became my first crush but all it does is add more to the pain. He'll never notice me or think of me as more than a friend. And that stings, badly. As I head home, I fail to notice the figure following behind me. I failed to notice he had heard me, as I am once again crying.

Every day's the same
She fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides, and tries to pray
She'll be just fine, cause now he hears her when she cries

The closer I get to home, the farther away I feel from safety. My arms begin to shake and I grip my backpack's straps until my knuckles turn white. My father got home early today and I take a deep breath as I step inside.

"I'm home." I say softly, taking off my shoes.

My father comes stomping by, I can hear my mother's sobs in the next room. I shuffle out of his way and keep my head down, praying that I'll appear small enough for him to not notice me. It doesn't work, next thing I know, I'm on the floor with a bruised cheek. Again I cry, drawing more abuse from him and hurtful words.

Unable to take anymore I make a run for my room, slamming the door behind me and dropping to the floor. My backpack slumps loosely on my shoulder as I cry into my hands, curling into myself and trying to block out the pounding on my door. I sit there for hours, even long after my father leaves, shaking and sobbing.

Every day's the same
She fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides, and tries to pray

I get up and leave my schoolwork where it is, heading to the bathroom. I take out the small blade I have hidden in there and hold it above my wrists. I hesitate as I always do but I cut a thin line anyway, watching my blood travel down my wrist and drip into the sink. This time it's only one cut, I'm tired and I head to bed after wrapping it up.

 I never noticed the dark presence in my room watching everything.

  She'll be just fine, cause now I know he hears her when she cries 

The next morning is the same, but I don't escape so easily. Either way, I'm once again heading to school and like usual, I'm crying. And again I don't notice the person next to me until they pull me into an alleyway. I don't move nor do I bother to try and escape or stop my tears, my head is down.

Thin fingers lift my head and I find myself looking into Yami's eyes, I should be happy but I feel numb. His expression is serious and he's frowning, his eyes are gazing at me softly and piercing through my very soul. Then, he smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"I heard you crying." Was all he said, all he had to say. My eyes widen and I slowly hug him back, crying into his shoulder. But for once I was happy, someone had finally heard me.

  She'll be just fine, cause now I know he hears her when she cries  

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