~Ciel~ Part 1

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Words could not begin to describe how much I hated my father's lavish parties. I could dance yes, but I hated social gatherings and just people in general. I knew he was mostly doing this yet again to find me a suitor and I wish he'd stop already.

At least I'm allowed to wear a dress of my own choosing, it was one of my favorite color combinations too.

At least I'm allowed to wear a dress of my own choosing, it was one of my favorite color combinations too

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I get that he wants me to have a secure future but I'm not interested in just anyone. I've had my eyes on the Earl Phantomhive since I bumped into him in a black market auction. I had been taken hostage in order to lure out the unsightly, vile people. 

It worked exceptionally well, given my unusual looks and reputation. I was raised in a Christian family and brought up to love all things good and holy. I never did though and this had upset my mother greatly.

My father wasn't overly fond of my.........dark interests but knew better than to push me.

My mother died of sickness a few years ago, people called me heartless because I didn't cry over her death. I just wasn't as close to her as I should have been, besides I've always been different from other girls. They prefer parties and frilly pink dresses while I found solace in darkness and silence.

I never saw the Earl again after that night but didn't think much of it, he was engaged to Elizabeth anyway. The Midford's and my family knew each other, the heads of the families having been childhood friends. Lizzy wasn't overly fond of me and the feeling was mutual, but we didn't hate each other. 

I honestly don't believe Lizzy could hate anyone, maybe dislike but never outright despise someone. She was too nice of a girl and despite not being the best of pals she often confided in me what she would never tell anyone else. Including the dark rumors of her fiance, which troubled her and I knew them to be true.

I had dug up dirt about the Phantomhives and had my maid look into the rumors. Turns out most of it was true (some of it was absolute bull) and had her keep tabs on the Earl's activities. He interested me and seemed like the kind of person I could get along with.

As of now I was standing by myself in a corner farthest away from the dance floor. I had a glass of wine in my hand and a bored expression on my face. Already I had turned down several men for a dance and was debating on whether or not to retire for the night.

I nearly spilled my glass when I heard Lizzy's obnoxious squeal and went rigid as she glomped me in a hug, "Silver! There you are. My, you look absolutely stunning in that dress!"

I sighed, still in her clutches,"Hey Lizzy, and thank you. You don't look too bad yourself, pink suits you."

She giggles and FINALLY lets me go, "Thank you! How are you enjoying your father's party?"

"You know full well the answer to that question," I cast her a glance, she grins at me.

"And you? How are things going with you and Ciel?"

She frowns, "Oh, Ciel and I aren't engaged anymore. He called it off a year ago, I thought you knew?"

I shook my head, "I'm sorry to hear that and no, I had no idea."

She sighs before putting on a strained smile,"Its ok, as long as he's happy then I am too."

I put a hand on her shoulder and gave her one of my rare small smiles, "Hey, don't be so downcast, I'm sure you'll meet someone who'll want to make you as happy as you do with Ciel."

A real smile graces her features and she nods at me, "Yeah, you're right. Anyways,  I'll leave you to your brooding. Bye, Silver."

I glare at her and growl lightly, "I am NOT brooding."

She laughs as she walks away and I sigh, glad she's gone. Nice girl but too bright for my liking, at least she's calmed down a bit since we where kids. Her and I are seventeen now and I turn eighteen in two weeks.

Which means my father's going to throw yet another party, ugh.

Another waltz starts up and some of the area around me is cleared up enough for me to see Lizzy talking to some poor sap. Oh god, that's not just any poor sap.

Its Ciel Phantomhive!

He's grown into a fine young man........


Bad me, you'd have a snowball's chance in hell of even talking to the guy. From what Alice, my maid, has told me he's just as much of a wallflower as I am. Lizzy then looks like she has an idea and looks over at me.

I raise a brow in question and she gives me an evil look, I narrow my eyes. She better not be doing what I think she's doing...............oh god she is! Next thing I know she's pointing over to me and whispering something to him.

'Oh for the love of Ra Lizzy!'

I hear chuckling coming from next to me and Alice is giving me a look.

I hiss, "Say one damn word and I'm breaking the contract."

She only snickers and offers to take my empty glass from me, I hand it over and she leaves me to myself. I watch her saunter away and bump into the Phantomhive butler, she apologizes and continues on her way. I hell for sure don't miss her blushing face either.

I smirk to myself and feel someone's lingering gaze, soon enough I lock eyes with Ciel. I can feel blood rushing to my cheeks as his eyes break away from mine to glance at the side of my neck and go wide. Oh dear, the collar must've slipped when Lizzy glomped me.

When his stunning cerulean eyes meet mine again my smirk turns sly and I hold up a finger to my lips. I then point to my right eye and wink, his eyes narrow and I can't help but chuckle to myself. My attention is drawn away when I hear my father call out my name.

I cast one final, devious smile to Ciel and walk over to my father. I could feel his gaze the rest of the night and was not surprised to see him approach me for before the final dance was to begin. I was standing next to my father as he conversed with some other guests.

"Excuse me milady, could I have the honor of this last dance?" His velvety and dark voice was music to my ears.

My father stopped talking briefly to watch the interaction, no doubt hoping I'd say yes.

I smiled and took his outstretched hand, "Of course, Lord Phantomhive."

"Please, call me Ciel." He instructs as he leads me out to the dance floor.

"In that case, call me Silver."


:D Ha, sorry! But uh I got an idea for this as it is only part 1, stay tuned for part 2!~

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