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How did I end up in this forsaken place again?

Oh, right. Ed.

These are my thoughts as I sit waist deep in an ocean of blood, a reforming Envy in front of me. I should be concerned for my well being but I just can't bring myself to give a damn. Never could really, being who I am and all.

I guess you could say I was akin to a god in some aspects but I don't like going around saying I am one. Simply because I wasn't born a god and gods tend to be huge asses in a lot of cultures. Don't get me wrong I am an ass, but not a godly one.


But enough about that, lets get back to my current predicament.

"I'm going to kill that shrimp once I find him." I mumble a bit louder than I meant to but, again I don't give a damn.

"What could a harmless human girl like you do to a state alchemist?" Mr. Grumpy Gills voices as he finishes reforming.

I snort, "And just what makes you think I'm human? Because I look like one?"


I laugh, "Same could be said about you, hotstuff. But I know better, since no one that good looking could be human."

He stuttered and blushed which caused me to grin mischievously and wink at him. Now, I only flirt with someone I could see as my future mate and so far that's only been him. While I generally ignore others all together, I will interact with a select few.

"Aw look at that, the great Envy is flattered by a 'harmless human girl'. Well I got news for ya buddy, I'm not human. Never have been and never will be, nor do I ever want to be human." I hum and stand, letting the blood slide off my clothes.

I cock my head at him curiously, bangs covering my right eye.

"Honestly I never really understood why you'd guys would want to be human. Is it because you believe you don't have souls?"

His flustered expression turned into one of anger and annoyance.

"So it is. Well, would it surprise you to know that you do?"

"How the hell would you know that?" He snaps.

I chuckle, "Darling, how else would you be alive right now? Sure you've got inhuman powers but alchemists do to, don't they?"

I flash him a smile and begin walking off to where I can sense the other two in here with us. I hum to myself as I walk along and then remember something quite important.

I stop mid step and say to him without looking behind me, "Then again, maybe that's not the reason you envy them, hmm?"

"I don't envy any filthy human." He growls, glaring daggers at my back.

I chuckle, oh how I'm enjoying this, "Ah but you do, you're jealous of their bonds and love for one another. Are you not?"

I hear the blood swish as he dashes towards me and attempts to grab me, I merely twist out of the way. A coy smile is placed upon my lips as I note the emotions in his eyes. Hate, anger, jealousy, sorrow and loneliness.

"Your reaction proves me right. But would it help you to know that you're not as alone as you may think?"

He turns to face me with his usual pissed off expression and says nothing.

I shrug and turn back the direction I was walking, "Then again, who am I to make you rethink your life choices? There is only so much I can say or do after all, the one who must decide to change is you."

I wave behind me as I begin walking away again, "See ya soon Envy. Do me a favor and think over what I just said, okay? Cuz, as much I as don't want to admit it.........someone really cares about ya."

I left him with those last few words and walked away without a glance back. I couldn't, my face was red considering I just indirectly told him I liked him romantically. Good lord, I hate when I'm around him.

My defenses just seem to dissolve whenever he looks at me and I'm just so willing to open up to him. It pisses me off but since I do see him as a possible mate, I can't really help it. Heh, of all the people in this interesting little world, it had to be him I fell for.

~le skip~

Its been a few weeks since that whole incident in Gluttony's stomach and I'm now looking over Central on a large hill in the woods. I was perched on a fallen log that was supported be another tree, leaving me at a bone breaking height. I liked high places, they always provided a good view.

I hummed to myself and swung my legs back and forth, just enjoying a nice sunny day. Granted it would be better if a certain someone was here but I'm not going to dwell on that thought. Otherwise I'm bound to get depressed over it.

I did pop in and bug him every few days over the last few weeks though. Couldn't help it the guy was just to easy to tease and it was fun making him mad. It often ended with him chasing after me, spouting half hearted threats.

"What's got you so damn happy?"

Speak of the devil and there he be.

I look down to see him staring up at me with a bored expression but there's a hint of a smile on his lips. 

I grin, "You."

He blushes and looks away, "S-shut up."

"Hey you asked I just gave an honest answer." I smiled at him innocently.

He rolled his eyes and jumped up next to me effortlessly, one leg perched up and the other hanging lazily. I could tell from his expression he wanted to say something. I cast a curious glance over in his direction.

"Something on your mind, love?"

"A lot actually, but there is something I've been meaning to ask you."


".......why are you so nice to me? I've seen how you are around others and opt to scare them off. But not me......so why?" He says this slowly, obviously not one to talk about his feelings.

I blush lightly, "Have you honestly not figured it out?"

There was no sass in my question, it was genuine and is probably why he looked at me with confusion.

I took that as a no and chuckled, "Its because I like you dumbass and I don't mean 'friend wise' either."

The widening of his eyes and the raw emotions in them made my face go red and I looked back towards the city, great now he's got me all flustered and he hasn't even done anything. 

Dammit Envy.

A deep chuckle turned laugh made me look over at him and then it hit me.

"Wait.....you already knew didn't you?" I growled lightly.

"Ya, just wanted to make sure before I did something."

"Did what?"


I didn't have time to react as he pinned me against the tree and smashed his lip on mine. My eyes were wide with surprise but I eventually melted into it and kissed back. 

Stupid, sneaky little shit, he's lucky I love him.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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