Week Four | The Howling @gohstly

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Title: The Howling

Author: gohstly

Love Interest(s): Klaus Mikaelson

Summary: "Wolves and girls have one thing in common; they both have sharp teeth"

Review by smolderholders
So, I think this was actually one of the first Klaus Mikaelson fics I have ever actually read and OMG I loved it. Rowan is such a unique character to begin with because personally, I hadn't really ran into werewolf OCs before, but her backstory and what pulled her away from Mystic Falls was also really creative. The way you wrote her in too, it was perfectly planned and she fit super well into the chaos that is Mystic Falls. You also didn't cut out Caroline's character. In season three, a lot of writer's substitute their OC for Caroline's because the girl is really just there to be Klaus' distraction (thanks TVD writers for not giving her a decent plot), but you never really took away from her plot line and I thought that was seriously great. Honestly, great job, Kensie. It's a wonderful book.

Review by naomiscotts
I've only read a few Klaus books and I have to say this one was one of my favorites. Being that I'm a little bit behind, I hope to finish it soon because it is a fantastic book. Thanks for not cutting Caroline completely out of it because I have seen a bunch of Klaus stories where she is hardly or sometimes never involved which breaks my heart. I love Rowan and I love your ideas that you have for this story. It's so good, you should be so proud of the amazing book you put out here on Wattpad. Keep up the great work!

Review by luminite

This is hands down one of the best Klaus fics I've read - not because of the ship, but rather because of Rowan herself. I absolutely love her character, she's stubborn and strong-willed but also is flawed in the most brilliant way. It shows true strength as an author to be able to write a character who has her weaknesses so well. I'm actually a little envious of how beautifully you write, to be honest with you; you've created such a wonderfully crafted story with really great characters and plot lines to match. Your characterisation of each of the pre-existing character is also absolutely on point, which is something that is rare to come by. To summarise, The Howling is a gorgeous book, with an incredible OC and I'd recommend it to anyone!

Review by methodicai

First off, I'd just like to say that the prologue is magical and I honestly aspire to write as well as you do. I haven't read this fic all the way through yet, but it's in my library now and I'll be finishing it very soon. Of the chapters that I've read, I can already tell that I'm going to love Rowan. The different ways in which she interacts with the TVD characters is very different from what I see in most Klaus fics, and it's quite the breath of fresh air. She's blunt, hilarious and basically everything I've ever wanted an OC to be. I'm extremely excited to continue reading to see where the story goes. Fantastic work!

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