Week Seven | For the Heart of a Wolf by @voluntears

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Title: For the Heart of a Wolf

Author: voluntears

Love Interest(s): Klaus Mikaelson

Summary: "I will always protect pack."

Review by luminite

Karina, I can't tell you how happy I am to be reviewing this book. You and I both know that I could discuss my love for the story and Faye herself for hours upon end. It's refreshing to see a character with an OC who doesn't conform to the norm; especially when their background is as rich as Faye Daniels' is. It's so awesome to become so invested in a story, and to slowly learn more and more about the OC and those that surround her. Adding Lacey in was such a clever decision, and I'm so glad that she has her own plot line that doesn't purely focus upon Faye. It's rare that supporting characters actually have a storyline of their own right but you've achieved that beautifully. Each and every one of your chapters is perfect, and the slow burn nature of the klaye relationship makes your heart both warm and aching in a perfect balance. I'm gonna stop because I could gush about how much I love fthoaw all day, but I'm so proud of the book and it's absolutely gorgeous; Faye's character development is immense and written perfectly.

Review by naomiscotts
I was in awe the first time I read this book. It was so good and I absolutely loved it. I think I might've cried when I reached the end of your updates every single time. I was mainly a ghost reader at the time (yes I admit it). Faye is one of my all time favorite characters of yours and tbh I don't think anyone can touch her level of Sass. She's just a queen and Karina  I'm so glad you created this beautiful character. Faye is truly one of a kind.

Review by methodicai

This fic has owned my ass since the day I started reading it. It was one of the first Klaus fics I actually read because a lot of other ones that I started couldn't be finished because of how cliche they were. Her different interactions with the TVD characters are amazing, and the slow burn love has me absolutely begging for more. It's one of the most realistic fics I've seen in terms of how relationships develop, and there's no doubt in my mind that it would be incredibly hard to find another Klaus fic that is as well developed as yours. Faye Daniels is without a doubt one of my favourite OCs to ever grace wattpad, and I'd possibly go so far to even say that she is my ultimate favourite. Everything you do, not just with FTHOAW is fantastically written and I aspire to someday be as great as you already are.

Review by starfragment

To be perfectly honest, this is one of my all time favorite Klaus Mikaelson fanfictions. The idea behind Faye Daniels' is so unique and I haven't seen it anywhere else. Faye is such a strong character, but there are times that you see that she feels more than anyone else. The relationships that she has built with all of the other TVD characters is so beautifully captured. It feels realistic. That if you threw Faye Daniels into TVD, it would feel as if she should've been there the entire time. Along with how you've created such a believable character, you've done something not a lot of TVD authors have done. You've given Faye an adult figure to help her throughout the story. And Lacey's character isn't even based all around Faye, she has her own plotlines within the story as well. I love this story so much and it's one of the best written and developed Klaus Mikaelson fanfiction out there. Keep up the amazing work, Karina! 

Sorry this is being posted so late! We have all been very busy.

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