xix ▷ meeting the gang.

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19. | meeting the gang.
even the most different
people can band together


THE PLANE'S engine whirls in my ears as we fly towards our destination. After telling Fury that I was in, he sent one of his most trusted to escort me — Agent Coulson. He has taken me on this plane so that we can get on "something much bigger than it," as I was told.

"We're about forty minutes out from home base, sir," one of the two pilots informs Coulson from the front of the plane.

I scroll through the electronic "tablet" I was given in my seat, trying to comprehend the profiles of these people I'm supposed to be teaming up with to stop Loki and retrieve the Tesseract. I stop at one person in particular, one that caught my eye.

"So this Dr. Banner was trying to replicate the serum they used on me?" I ask Coulson.

"A lot of people were. You were the world's first superhero," Agent Coulson tells me, stepping over closer to me as he speaks. "Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula."

I force back a scoff as I click on a video that shows Dr. Banner in his green, raging form. Yeah, he tried. "It didn't really go his way, did it?"

"Not so much," Coulson sighs. "When he's not that things though, the guy's like a Stephen Hawking." He ends with a smile, acting as if I know who that is. I glance up at him with raised eyebrows, hoping that will give him a hint. "Oh, he's like a......smart person."

Another thing to research when I have the time. Apparently this Stephen Hawking is revolutionary, yet he's somebody I don't know.

"I-I gotta say, it's an honor to meet you," Agent Coulson smiles awkwardly. It's really just the corners of his mouth turning up in an effort not to burst out with.....something, I'm assuming song after what he just said. "Officially," he adds.

I raise an eyebrow. I halfway want to know what he means by "officially," but at the same time I don't. Anyways, I'm honored by him saying the first part, so I politely smile.

"I sorta met you," he continues, trying to clear up the creepiness, but only making it worse. "I mean, I watched you while you were sleeping."

That's not creepy at all. Definitely not.

I conceal my fading smile by glancing down at the tablet again, trying to erase what the poor man said from my head.

"I mean, I was present while you were unconscious," Coulson stutters, "f-from the ice."

I just stand from my seat and head towards the front of the plane, trying to escape the weirdness for the both of us. Yet he follows me anyways, still trying to make decent conversation.

"Y-You know, it's really— it's really just a huge honor to have you on board." Coulson comes up beside me as I lean again the wall with my hand on the archway leading to the cockpit. He follows my lead, taking the same exact position on the opposite side.

"Well I really hope I'm the man for the job," I mumble quietly.

"Oh, you are. Absolutely," Coulson says almost instantly. He nods quickly, glancing towards the front of the plane. "We, uh, made some modifications to your uniform. I had a little design input."

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