Cody: get the girl

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He paced the living room, hoping, waiting for Ari to come. He wondered who that tall boy was. He knew that he was way better looking than him, but he could see it in her eyes that he meant so much to her. He had to break apart whatever they were to each other, he needed Ari and he may not love her but he needed the terrors to stop. He had to get her to fall in love with him, but how? What if he tried to kiss her? Say the lies that she would fall for? But he knew he couldn't lie to her, his punishment would be way worse than before. His only option was to tear away the love that Ari and that boy had. He saw the boy coming down the stairs and decided to talk to him "Hey, I'm Cody, I saw you upstairs with Ari. Are you one of her friends?" He looked at the boy, he was obviously insulted. The boy said "Hey, I'm Zach and no I'm not just her friend. Ari is the love of my life and I love her more than anything in this world. Stay away from my girl or I'll make you regret it." Cody was mad as could be, he needed to separate them and get Ari all to himself. He just looked back at him and said "How old are you, Zach. You look about 18 to me. Why are you hitting Ari? She's a child and you're an adult. Let her live and stop being a pervert. She probably thinks you're a creep. You should just leave now." Zach looked angry and he started to clench his fists. Cody just stood back until a hard surface hit his face with tremendous force. Breaking them apart would be a lot harder than he thought.

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