Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I squeeze my eyes shut against the harsh light. That hurt. Badly. I sit up, my head spinning. Slowly, I manage to open my eyes. I am greeted by a blonde haired girl that is inches from my face. Her green eyes are outlined with smudged black make up. She chomps on a piece of gum with a wicked grin on her face.

I lean back. "Can you get out of my face?" I ask uncertainly.

She rolls her eyes looking pissed off. "No." She huffs and spews words that seems like she has repeated many times before. "Hello, and welcome to hell. You may have thought your life on earth was hell, but this is the literal place." She stands by a huge iron gate facing me. "Uhh, this is where you get up and follow me." She rolls her eyes again and I swear I hear her mutter dumbass under her breath. Scrambling to my feet, I stumble after her.

She pushes open the gate and continues walking in front of me. I have to manuver myself around a bunch of people just to keep up with her. "What is this place?" I ask.

She snickers. "It's a boarding school for the damned. What else would it be? My name is Eden by the way. What about you?" I can feel her eyes on me as she walks with ease through the moving people.

"Uhh, Nix," I respond slowly. I don't know how much I am supposed to say, what I am supposed reveal and not. All I know is that I have to get to a kid named Park. And at this rate I am not even sure how I am going to do that! There are so many people just milling about around here now, are they students? I don't even know what to do. I am in way over my head--

"Uh hello? You in there?"

I snap away from my fears and look back at the blonde girl. "W-what?"

"You do realize you are dead right?" She seems a bit disgusted with me. If I had blood pumping through my veins, I am sure she would be able to hear it. "Do you know how you died?" she asks.

"I...uh..." No, don't say anything, Michael did give me those orders. "Uh...I don't know."

"Huh," she spits her gum on the ground. "That happens sometimes." She pauses before a set of steps that lead inside the building.

"What are we doing?" I ask after a few minutes.

"Shut up," she snaps. "You are the only thing keeping me out of class right now."

I bite my lip. Okay then... I turn around and look at the front of the campus. This place doesn't even seem like it could be hell. It seems too...nice?

Eden sighs. "C'mon." She opens the doors and we head inside. I look up immediately, because that seems like the only place to look. The grand arched ceiling looks like it is from an ancient castle. The floor looks like old stone. The inside doesn't even compare to the out side. "This is just the main hall. You can get to classes from this hall." She seems entirely bored with this job. "I guess I will take you to your room."

She leads me down a bunch of hallways and I lose track of where we are instantly. There is absolutely no one around, not even a sign to point you in a specific direction. I wonder--

"And here is your dorm hallway."

My head snaps up to the male voice at the opposite end of the hallway. I see a two boys at the end. The taller one has orange red hair that sticks up off of his head. It almost looks like fire. Then the boy next to him is shorter with a plume of dark hair and glasses. Park. That's him! It's the spitting image!

As they approach, the boy with the fire hair smiles wide. "Eden!"

The blonde girl next to me puts her chin in the air and licks her lips. "Luca."

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