Chapter 19

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Park's night

I clutch at my stomach. Greyson left me seemingly as soon as he could. I'm probably not the best party company to have around.

"Need a drink?" A girl tilts her head sideways. I realize that I have my forehead against a long stone pillar.

I sigh for a long time. "Sure."

She protrudes a swirling red looking drink. She crinkles her eyes as I don't immedietly take it. I grab at the glass with shaking fingers.

"Dude, are you having an overdose or something?" She's backing away, clearly she wasn't expecting me to be out of sorts. I shake my head no. "My boyfriend was a doctor I'm sure I can get him."

"A doctor?" I close my eyes shut and lean against the pillar again.

"Yeah, killed a few of his patients though."

"Then I think I'll pass." I raise the glass a little to show my thanks. She shrugs and backs away. I raise the glass to my lips but cupping my mouth around the curve of the glass seems difficult. "Crap." I grumble as my grip loosens. I can feel the glass shaking so I press my other hand to it. I can feel a few stares of judgement. Hey, if I could stop shaking and sweating I would.

I'm getting some air.


That's when it happened, I am positive. I remember the color of the drink and the conversation. I remember walking outside, waiting for the feelings of sickness to pass. After that I can't seem to remember my night. Trying to think about it is like sticking your head under murky water and trying to see. When I try to remember it fades quickly, and that scares me.

Was it the drink? The dark red looked normal to me, I don't remember drinking it at all. And why would that girl want to drug me in the first place, I've never met her. It's hard to pull together the pieces but I have been trying nonstop. A ominous feeling in the pit of my stomach keeps urging me to remember.

But I can not.

I awoke with a fue clues. One is a long sharp jagged piece of glass. Just having it creeped me out. The second is that my clothes were wet, as was my hair.

I have not moved an inch since I have awoken. I am not positive of the time either. But it is dark, so I'm assuming people are still at the party. I would clean up before Greyson got here, but this doesn't happen to be my dorm. In fact, I don't know whose dorm it is at all. That is a frightening thought to me.

I am going to sit here just as I have and try to put together just what is occurring and what has occurred. I feel better. I don't happen to be shaking or sweating. But I think that the feeling in the pit of my stomach is much much worse. I do not think I am going to hurl, fortunately.

I have few comforting thoughts, and the blood on my hands is not one of them.

A/N: This is short and we are sorry! We just have big things in the works so it has been taking a bit of time! Thanks for your votes and reads! We love comments and talking to you! :)

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