Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


I swallow hard as I follow Greyson further into the woods. What am I doing? Am I really trusting these people? I don't even know them! But I wasn't going to turn Greyson down after what he told me. I just...I didn't see that one coming. It was...well horrible doesn't even begin to describe what he went through. And to end up in hell? That's even worse.

A drunken couple stumbles past me, laughing abnoxiously, only half dressed...or maybe that is what they put on before they came here. The alcohol is more prominent in the air as we get closer. The music pulses through the trees, I see a fire growing in the distance. Greyson, a few feet in front of me, glances over his shoulder at me. The pale light of the moon makes his hair and eyes look silver. I see the corner of his lips twisting into a smirk.

Suddenly we are in a crowd and I find myself pressing close to Greyson, holding onto his sleeve. He glances down at me, and I let go fast. "Sorry," I mutter quickly and look away.

He laughs a little, "No, no, no, you're fine." Somehow he ends up with two beers in his hand. He hands one off to me. "You alright?" I still hear him laughing.

"I uh--yeah, I mean, there are just a lot of people here." I take a shaky breath.

"Really though, what did you do to deserve to be down here? Really? You just seem so innocent." He brings the beer bottle to his lips, not expecting a response from me. "C'mon," he slides his arm around me and leads me through the crowd of people.

A girl stumbles backward into us. "Ohmygod!" She scrambles to get her beer she dropped. She stands up fast and stumbles again. Then she whipped around fast to look at us."Ohmygod!" She said again. Mila. "Niiiiiiiix," she drags out my name. "You leffffft! I wanted to bring you! But you leffffffft!"She stomps her foot and then gets side tracked. She starts to sway back and forth to the music.

Greyson pulls gently at my arm and we walk away. "She gets like that sometimes," he mutters. "No, actually," he corrects himself, "she is like that all the time. Wasted and or high."

I laugh and Greyson gives me a weird lopsided smile. "What?" I ask.

"You're so weird," he laughs. "C'mon," he grabs my hand. "Come dance with me and I will show you what a party in hell is actually like."


One cup, two cup, three cup. With each one I feel better but less in control. That's just something I had to sacrafice to feel happy for once. Is it bad I can only feel joy when staring down the bottom of an acoholic beverage? I never really stop to think about it.

With each drink I passed one to Park who was becoming increasingly more comfortable. His glasses are tilted sideways. I find out that Park is a giggly drunk which is hilarious. Obviously he hasn't really been drunk before.

Even while I watch Park make failed impersonations I keep an eye out for Luca. Impersonations are like nails on a chalkboard for me. Even drunk I can't handle it. This isn't worth it. I need to find Luca.

"Listen, Park." I say.

He looks up at me with a lopsided smile.

"I hate to leave you alone," except I don't, "but I need to find someone."

He smacks his lips as I turn away. I walk around the fire and look for auburn hair. The party is getting sloppier as people get drunk. I have to shoulder check a few people just to get through.

"Move." I spit at a girl with bright purple hair. She looks at me up and down.

"You're looking for Luca, aren't you?" She says while holding her drink up.

"And if I am?" I place a hand on my hip.

"He went that way." She points to the right side if the woods.

"Thanks." I say while making my way over. Why the hell would he go in the woods? I dodge a few bushes that are adorned with thorns. Can he pick a place easier to get to?

"Luca!" I shout. The acohol in my system makes me feel elated so I giggle at my voice. I kick at the ground. "Luca!" I sound out the u for several beats and giggle again. Finally I can feel the drinks taking their toll. I continue my way into the woods and pick at the round button on my jacket. I hear a few groans so I start to walk towards the sound.

"Luca?" I say. What I see instantly sobers me. "Luca." I repeat as my stomch drops. Some girl was entangled against him. Her dark hair is illuminated in the moonlight.

"What the fuck?" I shout.

Luca turns around but I just stalk over and push him aside. With one hand I push the girl against a tree. She gasps at the sudden turn.

"Listen bitch, you look new here so I'll let you know a few things. First, the longer you're here the stronger you get." I put my other hand on her throat and her eyes widen. "I've been here a long time so killing your ass will be easy. Second, I don't feel like cleaning up blood today so you better run. Now!" I let go and she slides down the tree and chokes for air.

"I said run!" I scream. She leaps up and staggers away.

"What the hell?" Luca says.

I turn to face him and I tilt my head. "Luca what are you doing?" I move towards him. I want to beat against his chest with my fists and scream. We've done this too many times. Every time we tear apart and just come back together. How many times must we do this?

"And you weren't going to fuck Park?" Luca throws his arms in the direction of the party. His eyes burn, I can tell he's losing it right now.

"No, I came back to see you! I come back and you're busy with a whore!"

"And I haven't done that before?" Luca spat.

I actually let my mouth drop. When his hand touches my shoulder I shove him off. "Don't touch me." My words are iced with venom.

I push through branches now, even letting the thorns tug at my skin. I feel like I'm going to puke. Of course he's done it before. I don't have any friends here and Luca is the closet I've ever gotten to one. And yes, that did hurt. Would I ever admit that out loud to anyone? Never. I have to be cold here. That's the secret to survival, become numb.

"Eden!" I expected Luca to be calling my name when I reach the party but it was the druggie Greyson.

"And what the hell do you want?"

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