Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


I'm. Going. To. Be. Sick.

I never, ever even thought about Andromeda.

I should have known she would end up in hell. After what she did to me.

I feel the my throat starting to close up on me. I can't deal with this. Not her. Not now. I thought at I was having trouble trusting people before, but now...

I can't trust anyone. Not with Andromeda here.

She taps her finger lightly on her chin. Her gaze holds mine, and I can't look away. If I look away, she will win. But I know that she can see me shaking. She licks her lips before speaking. "So what did you do? I was positive that you were dead before I killed myself. Did mom come home and find you, and somehow they kept you alive for three months?" She steps closer to me. "But I guess that doesn't really matter. What really matters is that you are here now. And what did you do to get down here? You must've done something awful because you were mommy and daddy's little princess."

Now I really am going to be sick. I can't even formulate words to respond to her. Aspen comes up behind her and puts his arm around her. I taste the bile in the back of my throat and I swallow hard. Oh my God. I really shouldn't be here.

"What going on?" Aspen asks. His eyes flit back and forth between me and my sister. He puts it together. "Angel hair," he mutters, his mouth dropping. "Oh my God, you two are related."

I can't bare to hear the words out loud.

I jump from my seat and sprint from the shop. No no no no no no. I hear Greyson's foot steps as he comes after me. I don't stop, and I don't slow down. I keep running. Feet against the pavement. And then I remember that I have no idea where I am going. Involuntarily

I begin to slow, sucking in huge gulps of air to my lungs.

Greyson finally catches up to me. "Smoker's lungs, Nix. Running isn't fun," he wheezes.

I don't say anything. I stare behind him waiting for my sister to come running in the same direction. She doesn't come. I let out the breath I had been holding and clench my hands into small fists. This isn't good. Not good at all. I can't be here with her, not after she killed me. Not after that...that night. An involuntary shudder goes through me and I feel the tears burning the back of my eyes. I quit. I don't want to be here. I want to go back to where I am safe.

"Are you alright?" Greyson's hand is on my shoulder, his accented voice is low.

I only shake my head. If I try to speak I know I will break.

"Do you want me to take you back to the dorms?"

I nod.


"Nix, are you coming?"

I stay facing the wall, curled up on my bed. I ignore Mila. I'm not going out, I don't want to run into her again. It's strange though. You should be able to trust your family, that is something you learn in life. But right now I trust Mila, a.k.a a serial killer, more than my own sister.

Yet again she killed me.

The violent images flash through my mind. A metallic smell of blood frills my nostrils. It's not real, I have to remind myself. It's just a memory. And a pretty awful one at that.

"Alright, suit yourself." Mila's heels click on the ground. "Just make sure that you get dinner before the cafeteria closes for the night." The door closes softly and I let out a sob.

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