Chapter 2

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(Y/N) P.O.V
I was wondering where Naruto was so that's why I went to find Naruto and I can't find him anywhere. I saw a big group of ninjas in a big circle in front of me. "Naruto stole the secret scroll he must be punished" When I heard that I couldn't believe it Naruto would never steal. Unless he was trick to...THAT IT HE WAS TRICK TOO, but who will trick him on doing that thou. I did see Mizuki talking to him earlier in the day maybe it was him. I need to find him fast before something bad happens to him.
Naruto P.O.V
I was training to pass so I can be a ninja with (Y/N) and the others. I will be a ninja, so I can be hokage believe it. I'm looking at the scroll and the first justu is shadow clone justu..... AHH THIS IS MY WORST JUSTU!!! I have to do it for my friends. So I started my training so I can be a ninja and as time went by Iruka and (Y/N) showed up.
(Y/N) P.O.V
I went after Naruto and it took me a while to find him. Iruka was there too and Naruto look like he was training cause he all dirty. Iruka walked up to Naruto saying he needs the scroll now or the other ninja will get him then Mizuki show up. Mizuki was telling him that he needs the scroll and Iruka was lying to him. After a while I realized Mizuki used him to get the scroll, how could he do that to him. They kept going on about who's the one lying to Naruto. Naruto didn't give the scroll to anyone he just ran off with it. Where I don't know who to believe but I thought Naruto did the right thing about running of with it. In ran after him and after a while i just saw Iruka and Naruto jumping from tree to tree. Then Naruto attacked Iruka and Iruke fall then Mizuki went from Iruka to himself.
Naruto P.O.V
They kept on fight and trying to get the scroll I went to (Y/N) so i can hide with the scroll. Before I could Mizuki throw a big kuna at him and Iruka blocked it to make it hit him instead. I couldn't help but cry and I was mad too at Mizuki for doing that to him so I got up and jumped to a tree and looking at him with a deadly glare.
"Don't ever lay a hand on my sensie I kill you"
"I like to see that happening nine tailed fox"
I did the hands sings for shadow clone justu and before I know it there was thousands of me. I attacked Mizuki punching him in the face believe it. After a while I won the fight Iruka told me to come to him and close me eyes. When I went to open them I saw Iruka with his hand band and before I knew it I was the one wearing it. Now this is the begening of my new life.

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