Chapter 4

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3rd P.O.V 

As the class was waiting to hear there teams three students was being a little impatient and there names are Naruto, Sasuke, and (Y/n). They wanted to know so badly one of them are pacing back and forth. As Sasuke and Naruto are sitting down (Y/n) was just pacing thinking who will be on her team. Iruka was still calling teams he was on team 5 and calling their names. 

"ok Team 7 Naruto Uzumaki, (Y/n) (L/n), and Sasuke Uchiha" 

"Hey why do I have to have a slug like Sasuke in my team" 

Naruto didn't like the fact that Sasuke was on his team but he was happy that (Y/n) was on his team. He stood there waiting for Irukas answer. 

"Well Naruto Sasuke had the second best score and you had the worst score so we have to balance things out so we put the best score with the worst" 

Everyone in the class was laughing at him but (Y/n) was just trying to make him feel better until someone opened their mouth 

"make sure you don't get in my way loser: 

"Who you calling a loser Sas-gay" 

Sasuke glared at him for the new nickname he gave him now but he did blush when (Y/n) started to giggle at it. So being the better person he just looked away so he don't have to get in a fight in front of (Y/n). As much he wanted to punch Naruto he didn't want to do it in front of her. Everyone else got their teams and the girls where upset they didn't get in a team with Sasuke. (Y/n) was happy that Naruto was on her team but she wasn't so sure about Sasuke though. (Y/n) went out to walk around since Naruto wanted to eat lunch with Sakura cause she was upset the she wasn't on a team with Sasuke. She thought that was nice of him but she doesn't know whats coming to her 

Sasuke P.O.V 

I seen Naruto with Sakura trying to cheer her up and not getting anywhere. I know he has a small crush on her but he was a bigger one on (Y/n). Why just want to get closer to her but only Naruto can do that....wait a minute I can turn into Naruto then I can ask her what she thinks of me. I used the transformation justu to turn into Naruto was went to find (Y/n). When I found her she waved at me, I was trying not to blush to hard but I did wave back and smiled like Naruto would do. Walking up to her my hearted started to pound out of my chest. She ran up and hugs me which is nothing she does all the time to Naruto. I blushed so hard and my heart pounding even more. 

"So Naruto how did lunch go with Sakura" 

"Oh uh it didn't go so well (y/n)" 

"Oh i'm sorry Naruto maybe you can try another day" 

"Yea your right" 

Its was sad she said Naruto name instead of mine but I am Naruto do she wouldn't know it was me. We were walking to a bench so we can sit and chat. So far this is going good I always dreamed of this just me and her talking but in my dreams we were on a date. When we sat down I looked at her so I can talk to her more. 

"So (Y/n) was do you think of Sasuke" 

"Whats up with that question Naruto 

" Oh um I was just asking" 

"Well if you really want to know I really think he just a weird person and he always quite and um strange" 

She thinks i'm strange what about Naruto he is the strange person here not me. Well I can say that she didn't say she hated me at least that was the thing I was afraid of. I was about to ask more question until I saw Naruto starting to walk up to I ran to it. I can see (Y/n) freaking out because she didn't see me leave and she was yelling at Naruto. I laughed a little because of this but I had to go now I want to see the new sensei. 

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