Chapter 6

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Sorry, this came so late but I am trying my best to update everything. It's really hard without a computer of my own but now I do have a computer of my own and with that, I can update more often. Thank you!  

Sasuke P.O.V.

I am making my way to the training ground that Kakashi told us to meet him at for our exercise today. I wonder what it is about because I hope its fighting. If he puts me up with Naruto first I will wipe the floor with him but with (Y/N) I don't know. She as a skill is maybe as strong as me but I will not let that happen, I have to be the best no matter what. When I get to the training ground I can tell that I am the first one there like always and now all I have to do is wait on (Y/n) and Naruto. With all this recent feeling I have been getting butterflies in my stomach lately whenever I am around (Y/N). I wonder why but I am going to put that aside for right now cause training is more important right now. As I waited for them to come I started to daydream a little bit but the thing is that there are a lot of different things on my mind so there is no set daydream. two hours have already have passed I can see Naruto and (Y/n) are walking up to where I am at the moment. Naruto sat down acting like walking here was a big deal and with (Y/n) just standing there like it was nothing to her.

Right now we are waiting for Kakashi to come but he is still not here yet. I wonder where he is, there is no clue on where he is at the moment. With all of us still waiting for the new sensei, I think some of us think that he is never coming but you never know he may just be running late. I just kept thinking about the reason why he is running late but nothing comes into mind why. I looked around to see that the other two are doing and they are just sitting there talking to each other. After watching them for a little bit I started to get a little lonely but I won't talk to them because they seem to enjoy each other company. To be honest, I actually envy Naruto, he always has someone to talk to and they all enjoy being with me well the ones that actually talk to him most people shun him. I don't like most of the people that try to talk to me because they are girls and they try to flirt with me. I don't like that the only girl that doesn't do that is (Y/n). She is different from most people in this world and in a way that's what I like most about her. What am I say I need to focus on the task in hand. When will that Kakashi show up we have been for forever?

Still waiting on him, we are doing nothing right now well Naruto is annoying me actually. (Y/n) is looking up at the sky while talking to Naruto. Looking around to see if there is any sign of Kakashi but to see nothing. After a while, I can see a little black dot in the distance. When the dot got closer I can see it is Kakashi Sensei walking up to us.

"Well nice to see that everybody is here"


Looking about at (Y/n) and Naruto to see them pointing at Kakashi, they seem a little mad at him but I don't blame them for being mad. He is late like they said but that's how it is and they have to deal with it. Waiting for him to tell us what we have to so to pass this thing I sat there wonder what we will have to do.

"I bet you want to know what they test is well I will tell you"

I see him getting out a couple of bells out of his pocket. Why do you have bells what do they have to do with any of this.

"The task is very simple. You have to take these bells from me"

That seems simple enough this will be easy to do and I don't need any help with this at all.

(Y/n) P.O.V

Looking at the bells I can see this is will be kinda hard since he is like a lot strong than us. When he was still explaining some things Naruto was cracking some jokes. I was seeing what will Kakashi do about Naruto Cracking up like he is.

"Class clowns don't make it so you can simply ignore them. They are losers"

That is mean but its true and turning to see Naruto reaction to it I can tell he is not taking it not so well. I couldn't do anything when he went to attack Kakashi but seeing that he stop his attack I know he wasn't someone to mess with. I can tell they boys are railed up with all of this because he tried the same thing that Naruto did but Kakashi pointed him to the ground. I just stood there doing nothing watching all of this. Kakashi is trying to show us what happens in the real world but I already know how cruel the world is. Kakashi let Sasuke go of his grip and let him back to the group. When Kakashi said go, we all hid somewhere so he couldn't see us. Knowing Naruto he is going to face him head on which is dumb but Naruto will be Naruto. Thinking about the two bells that he has I was wondering what was is game here. I know why we are supposed to look past that and work together but knowing the boys they are not going to work with me so easily maybe Naruto will but Sasuke no chance. Looking at Naruto and Kakashi fighting I can see Sasuke looking for an opening to attack. Seeing Naruto fall into a trap I can see Sasuke thinking he as an opening so he makes his move. I look to see that it worked but to see Kakashi use a substation justu tricking Sasuke to attack and how he's on the move. I wonder how all of this will play out? 

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