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Thinking about all the years I have wasted not confronting my true feelings for her, I can't stop thinking about her when she's in my presence I want to be with her and when she's not with me I have an aching feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don't want to ruin the friendship we have built over the years we've known each other, I can't imagine my life with out her, but I can't keep going on like this.

It kills me when I'm not with her the time she's spending with him or anyone for that matter, I feel such an emptiness and jealousy I have never known.

Hey TPolo, Peter Page startles me out of my thoughts, what are you thinking about, he asks

Oh nothing, I say

Oh come on you can tell me, he says.

Well maybe I should, I feel like if I don't get this off of my chest, I'll go crazy, I say

You mean other than the hair, Peter jokes

Okay maybe you're not the one to confide in, I say.

Ah come on I was just joking, you can trust me, he begs.

Okay, Hypothetically speaking, what would you do if someone you have worked with from the moment you met them there was a emotional and physical attraction you felt and over the years it gets stronger and stronger? I ask

Ok TPolo you do know that I am gay right; it just can't happen for you and me, He jokes again.

In your dreams Peter, I say, shaking my head. Well anyway what would you do keep it to yourself or tell that person? I continue.

Well why don't you just go ahead a tell Sherri how you feel, he says

I didn't say any particular person and anyway it's hypothetical, I say

TPolo who do you think your fooling, everyone around here knows how you feel about Sherri, we're not blind, and anyway you're not alone and I don't mean Michael Jackson "You Are Not Alone", Sherri feels the same way you do, I can guarantee it, He says.

How do you know she feels the same way, and anyways I never said who it was or whether it was true, I say.

Come on TPolo, you and Sherri can try to fool the paparazzi and some of your fans, but you guys can't even hide it when you're doing a scene, we see the realism, the love you two have for each other, it's in how you guys look at each other, miss each other when one or the other is off that day, how you finish each others sentences, look when you think you two are hiding how you feel you aren't, you guys are really bad at it, he finishes.

Wow so I guess I'm not good of an actress as I thought I was, I say.

I don't know what I should do, one sacrifice a friendship and two ruin a marriage, I say.

Well if Sherri feels the same way and believe me she does the marriage is already ruined, He says.

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