Getting Use To Change

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After Sherri and I admitted our feelings for each other I have been on cloud nine, but also what did it all mean, will she leave her husband for me, did she still love him and want to stay with him while at the same time have me on the side and what about her children, all of these thoughts weighed heavily on my mind. Sure I'm happy to know that she feels the same way I feel about her and I would have no issue with helping her raise her bebes if it came to that, but I couldn't imagine sharing her, not even with her husband. Lying in bed having all these thoughts swirling in my head, which made it impossible to get any sleep, I don't know what I am going to do if she decides to stay with her husband and I only get her part time, I don't know how I will feel about that, but all I know is that I love this woman to depths of my soul and I couldn't imagine my life without her. Realizing I am not going to be able to get any sleep without a little help, I decide to go downstairs and heat me up some milk, checking on my children before heading down, I hear my phone going off, running back into my bedroom, I smile graced my face when I saw that it was Sherri on the other end. Hi love, didn't expect to hear from you again tonight, I say. Well I was already up with the bebes, and after getting them both back to sleep, I really needed to hear your voice again before I called it a night, she says. Well you are a wonderful surprise love, I can't seem to wind down, was on my way downstairs I thought a warm cup of milk would help, I say. Why aren't you able to get any sleep? she ask. Well it could have something to do with the woman I love telling me she loved me too, I said smiling. Oh well I am over the moon myself you see the woman I love more than anything told me she loved me too, what do you think of that, she said. So what do you think we should keep them, I said laughing. Yeah I think the one I love is a keeper, she said. Yeah the one I love is okay I guess, I said jokingly. Oh she's just okay? she asked. Well maybe a little more than just okay, she's beautiful, she's got these amazing brown eyes and beautiful curly hair that I can just run my hands through all day long, I said. Wow she sounds like a great catch, she said. Oh she is believe me, I said. Well mine is pretty amazing too, she is a knock out, she has short blonde hair, amazing hazel eyes that I can get lost in, and a sexy ass body that I could look at forever, she says. Wow well I guess we won the jack pot, I say. Guess so, she responds, Teri? she says. Yes my love, I answer. I love you, she says. I love you too Sherri. Good night, I say. Good night, she says and we both hang up.

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