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Carlos refused to leave the infirmary until he was certain Havana was stabilized.  Oasis practically dragged him out of the room to let the doctors  work.  Splitting them up, Carlos and Oasis headed down to the men's dormitory as Aster and Avery headed down the other hall.  Pushing past the swinging doors, they entered the larger, warehouse styled room.  Aster pointed her to a spare cot in the girls' sleeping quarters.  Avery nudged the suspended tarp.  The thin fabric laying on top of the bed coughed up a cloud of dust.  Holding back a grimace, she peered over her shoulder at the small ginger.  Aster stood a few mats away, digging through a ruset wooden chest, humming the same tune that she sang in the tunnels.  Cots just like hers littered the dormitory.  Some had bags or boxes piled next to them while others were barren.  Above hung the same fluorescent lights as the cafeteria, accompanied by the same electric buzz.  A few other ladies lingered about the room, one sleeping on her mat while others whispered back and forth.

Avery jumped at the sound of the trunk slamming shut.  Aster swiveled around, throwing a drawstring bag over her shoulder and placing her hands on her hips. "Well, the Vederjha gave her orders so we all better get going."


"Hy, to get you a bath.  You look like you could use one."  Aster raised an eyebrow.  All the dirt and grim weighed down on Avery suddenly. "So, you coming or what?"

"Oh, of course." Avery nodded.  Aster gestured to the door, swiveling and skipping away.  Picking up her pace, Avery trailed behind. 

Taking her back through the Cafeteria, Aster led her down another wing, marked by the same double doors and metal walls.  Aster slowed her steps to match Avery's pace, still humming to herself as she gazed up at the ceiling pipes.  They approached the first door in the hall.  Made of the same metal as every other part of the bunker, only its frame and door handle separated it from the walls.  Grabbing the handle, Aster swung the door inward.  Avery peered in over the girl.  Inside sat a dozen or so older women and men  around large basins of bubbly water with sleeves rolled up to their elbows as they worked. 

"Oi, got any towels I can bring down to the bath," Aster glanced back to Avery, then turned back to the ladies. "Maybe a few sets of clothes.  We've got a nuvoie."

From the back of the room popped out a thicker woman, wrinkles creasing her face, marking long held smiles. She bouldered passed the other woman, disregarding anyone in her way. Reaching the door, she wiped sud covered fingers against her white apron. "Little Mizzionary!" she boomed, her northern accent thick.  "It ez yer day off, what are ye doing here?" The woman placed a hand on Aster's head, rubbing her hair.  Grabbing the woman's hand lightly, Aster looked up. 

"Hello, Mojha Ducane. The Vederjha sent me down to show the nuvoie around."  Avery waved meekly behind Aster. "She's a amijha of Carlos'."

Her already impossibly large grin grew, splitting her face as she held her arms wide.  With a wink, she nudged Aster. "Have zome competition now, eh?"

"Mojha Ducane, you know Carlos is just an amijho; I'm asexual." Aster rolled her eyes.  Catching onto the flow of the conversation, Avery's face brightened.

"Exactly, I am only an acquaintance of Carlos'," Avery scrambled to pipe in.

"So, towels?  Maybe some fresh clothing for Avery?" Aster finished.  Ms Ducane sighed.  Turning around, she wandered over to a rack of dry clothing.  Taking a look back at Avery, she sized the girl up and then pulled out a fresh set of clothing.  Switching to the next rack over, she grabbed two fresh towels.  Whites and darks tucked themselves in a nice bundle in her hands as she came back to the girls.  Handing them over, she patted Aster's head again.

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