Outbreak of War: The Bombardment of Fort Sumter

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Once Milo and I finally shuffled our way out of Lee's Store, I instantly inhaled, smelling the salty sea air of the South Carolina shore, which was way more refreshing than the musty, sweaty scent of Lee's Store.

MIlo laughed. "You're too happy to leave the store, huh, Evan?"

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "What do you think, Milo? It smelled horrible in there.

We both turned to follow Captain to the Star of the West. Once we finally made it to the ship, a small man was handing each of us a rifle and a small bag of food to keep the new militia occupied during the short ship ride.

I leaped onto the ship with Milo directly behind me.

"Are you ready for what's to come, little lady?" Milo asked, clearly mimicking the Captain.

I chuckled happily, forgetting that I was going to probably lose my life if the battle at Fort Sumter got out of hand. "I don't think you are, but I sure am."


As the ship approached Fort Sumter, I could finally make out the scene before us. I leaned farther on the ship's edge to get a better glance.

Men, who were mostly wearing a light brown uniform, other wearing no uniform at all-just casual clothes. They were most likely Southerners.

"Butternuts," I murmured to myself in irritation.

They somehow managed to surround the fort, reminding me of the time at Harper's Ferry where us raiders were forced inside the small engine house. Unfortunately, Oliver didn't make it out alive.

That's why I'm on this ship right now, for Oliver.

For Oliver.

I snapped out of thought when loud gunshots exploded in the passenger's ears. I could manage to hear Milo scream in astonishment through the annoying ringing in my ear. The ringing in my ear from gunshots became quite redundant, but I haven't seemed to get used to it yet.

"They're firing on us!" Captain shouted. "We need to turn back!"

He faced the man at the ship's wheel.

"Retreat!" he yelled, his hands cupped to my mouth.

He shook his head slowly. "We must keep going! I'll turn around once we get hit."

Captain rolled his eyes. "Fine, but I don't want to risk my men-and girl-getting killed."

The Southern militia kept firing at the ship, and the Northern garrison held off firing back at their enemy.

"Why aren't they firing back‽" I shouted to no one in particular.

"I don't know," Milo replied, thinking that my question was for him to answer.

"It was a rhetorical question!" I growled angrily, my patience for the Northern troops growing thin.

All of a sudden, a large cannonball ripped into the side of the Star of the West, sending a few soldiers, including the strong stranger, into the water below. I guess he was just having classic bad luck.

"Retreat! We have a direct hit!" Captain shouted, his voice cracking from stress.

The man at the Star of the West's wheel obeyed Captain and frantically spun the wheel, the ship beginning to turn.

Anxiety set in my mind. I can't leave now. I can't give up on abolishing slavery for Oliver. This is just the first battle that will be in my process of avenging him. If I retreat along with the ship, it'll be like giving up on Oliver's hopes and dreams.

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