Battle of Antietam: Burnside's Bridge

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Milo, Johnathan managed to squeeze into the troops, and we were finally ready to march to the bridge that Johnathan explained that Burnside wanted to take from the Southern militia.

No one seemed to notice my peg leg much, but when Milo, Johnathan, and I put ourselves into Burnside's corps, I heard a few soldiers behind me snicker a it, but Johnathan shot the soldiers behind me an evil glare.

Honestly, my self confidence did fall whenever someone commented on my peg leg, but whenever I put myself down, I told myself that it took me such little time to be up and walking again, which is really rare. I also boosted my confidence when I remembered that I, a woman, was fighting equally along other men who are probably much stronger than I.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the familiar golden hair of Evan tied into a neat bun, as it was starting to grow pretty long. I spotted his lavender eyes quickly glancing at me and then at my leg. He suddenly jumped back in surprise, and his face reddened to a deep cherry red.

Was he scared that I have healed after he shot me? I can't believe I'm siblings with this guy. I pictured myself rolling my eyes in my head.


Once General Burnside commanded for his troops to stop, I craned my neck to see where we have arrived to. On our side was the Antietam Creek, and a bridge lay a few yards ahead, brilliantly stretching over the calm river.

"Okay, troops!" Burnside bellowed atop his horse, his hands cupped around his mouth. "We're not going to charge across the bridge and chace the Confederates into the hills, we're going to cross the river!"

"What?" I whispered to Milo and Johnathan. "That doesn't sound like a very good plan..."

Milo rolled his eyes. "I'll go ask Burnside then."

He then raised his hand and stood on the tip of his toes so Burnside could see him. "General? Why are you making us charge the river? Isn't that a bad tactic?"

General Burnside pursed his lips and glanced from left to right in thought. "You do make a good point, Private. But it'll be cute if we did this a little differently."

Before Milo could angrily respond, Burnside commanded, "Charge!"

We couldn't protest after Burnside commanded us to attack, so we did as we were told. Milo, Johnathan, and I began to run with the rest of the Northern militia to the bank of the Antietam river.


I almost tripped into the river, but Milo helped my jump in safely. We began to trudge through its cold waters, our rifles in our hands and ready. I shot any Confederate soldier on sight, or possibly scaring them and making them run away if I somehow missed the shot.

As I slow-jogged through the Antietam river, a bullet flew next to my head. I jumped sideways in shock, collided with Johnathan, and we both crashed into the slow-running river.

"Ah!" I screamed, the water streaming onto my face. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, Johnathan! I didn't mean to-"

Johnathan chuckled as he lifted me out of the water and set me back down. "It's okay, you weirdo."

I glanced toward the bridge, hoping that no Confederate soldiers would be guarding it. To my surprise, the bridge was free of soldiers. I was finally able to escape the river that almost made it impossible for me to walk.

"Guys!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "The bridge is open! Let's cross it! Hurry!"

Milo and Johnathan both gazed at the now empty bridge. As if we all communicated telepathically, we all charged out of the river and headed toward the bridge.

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