Burning Too Bright [ 3/7 ]

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Within a month of Zayn being a participant, a happy roommate to Harry and Shawn, they've been getting along perfectly, moreover just Harry and Zayn as Shawn confesses that he doesn't like being around them considering he feels more like a third wheel with them than he ever when it was HarryandLouis.

That's a concept Harry can't wrap around. They don't do anything besides cook meals together and sing musical duets together (both strong voices while Harry would dance in circles having Zayn play numerous musical instruments and a trackpad). Harry's even got Zayn doing yoga with him meanwhile Zayn's been teaching Harry how to play frisbee, who plays that sport? Apparently Harry and Zayn do and want to participate in the next summer tournament.

So, maybe Harry does understand where Shawn is coming from considering, he's never done too much with Louis besides being in his arms and watching too many movies in one sitting. When Harry did cook, it was for Louis, if they sung together, it wasn't as fun as it is with Zayn, and when it came to athletic activities, Louis would never take a chance for him, he wouldn't take a chance for Louis.

Harry knows. He knows that right now is absolutely the perfect moment to do what he's been aiming for. If Shawn can see the sparks, and even though Harry doesn't feel it, he gets where it's coming from, therefore, the moment is here.

"I wanted to ask you something." Harry and Zayn announce simultaneously seconds when the two bodies collide, making the two of them meet in the kitchen stumbling into one another.

Harry has a bashful grin and inches back, mumbling, "Wow, right you just go first!" With his palms pressing against the edge of the edge of the counter, he uses his strength to raise his weight upon the flat surface. Though, it isn't smooth, nor that normal cool, flat temperature he's use to when using the counter.

"Ow! Ow! The stove is h-hot!" Harry whines, perching over to where his arms drape over to Zayn's shoulders. "It hurts!"

Standing with two hands on his behind and running in circles, the sound of the doorknob clanking isn't even a single thing he's thinking lapping in his mind. It's just that burning pain makes him visualize the shades of red and black despite not knowing what his injury looks like at all.
"Who's at the door?" Zayn says in a worried tone, probably aware with the fact that they do have another roommate, Shawn, who's probably coming home right now anyways.

Harry doesn't respond, only tugging Zayn into the restroom and anxiously rummaging through the cabinets for a first aid kit. "Need your help because I obviously can't do this by myself!" Harry whines, shoving the white kit towards Zayn's chest.

Zayn's eyes widen in realization that Harry's got a burn on his bum and back of his thighs. "Geez, Harry! Are you comfortable at least? With me like doing this?" He's got a genuine worrisome tone in his voice, making harry miss when people did care or have concern over his actions.

The burn on Harry's skin is temporarily forgotten when his heart starts skipping beats, feeling as if it's ablaze. He's brought back to the interaction of his burn injury when the back of his body accidentally presses against the wall and after a shriek, he's groaning, "Any way I can get it done, I'll do it."

"Alright like pull down your pants and bend over the sink!" Zayn's demand with his panicky tone, making him obey immediately with a nod. Harry's gotten his shorts to his ankle, no thought in mind besides the fact that the pain is excruciating and he isn't sure how long he'll be able to contain this whine he wants to release, so he does so.

From an outer stance, someone hearing this would assume otherwise─ that they aren't actually attempting to heal a blazing burn on Harry's bum.

The healing ointment makes Harry tense, goosebumps forming on every inch of his skin when he feels the relieving pressure of Zayn's palms. Despite the surge of pain, he's completely aware of the humiliating situation, but in some ways, it feels comfortable as if it's normal for Zayn to cater to him like this, no matter how pathetic his injury is.

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