Lets Just Let It Go [ 7/7 ]

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And just when everything seems to be going perfect, of course, it doesn't.

Nearly half a year of a good thing going, Harry receives a text from Louis. Nothing is positive about someone saying they want to talk, especially considering this is coming from someone who wanted to stop offering the same mutual romantic feelings half a year ago.

But Harry isn't a rude, selfish person at all-- let's ignore his first intentions with Zayn, however.

This could be serious, Louis could be hurt, or something. Either way, Harry will not decline any of Louis' messages even after all this time. A part of him still loves Louis the slightest bit despite what he's said the last few months to Harry and what he's done. Some things will never change.

Harry: Come over.

Those two words use to have so much meaning behind them, but this time around his thumbs just pressed it naturally, though there aren't any butterflies, nor the anxiousness to see him. It's just, he's prepared for what Louis would say, yet he doesn't really care. Whatever happens, will.

Louis is inching toward his porch of the townhouse apartment, Harry doesn't know why he stood there the whole time waiting for him though, just leaning against the porch beam with his eyes hovering the street back and forth until a familiar face appears. "Do you want to come inside or? You wanted to talk and it doesn't seem casual. Maybe the air outside will be better. You're okay, right?"

"Why do you think I am here?" That doesn't really help Harry too much. He's trying to be a civilized person, trying to accompany Louis, reassure his ex-boyfriend but that won't work unless Louis alleviates that attitude of his. Harry finds it aggravating, nonetheless being as patient as he can with a welcoming smile, uncrossing his arms to seem less tense and intimidating,

"I mean like, I'm serious. You're healthy yeah? Something happen to your family? Are you moving away? Just tell me so I can help or like--"

"Give it up now, Harry. Finally left him like I'm sure you've wanted since the beginning. We could be together again, let's do it." It's difficult to process the words spewing out of his lips but he still goes on even as Harry tries to hush him, "It was one thing to help Zayn get a roof over his head and a job, but it's too much now. Come on, you didn't have to let Zayn tattoo you, if you didn't want to meet his family, you shouldn't have. We all know you were using him to make me jealous. You don't actually like him." Louis words are nothing but inaccurate as Harry doesn't believe that someone he once loved could accuse him like that.

Before Harry could get a word in with his lips parted, there's a voice replacing his own, "Too good to be true. Knew it seemed strange to have someone fall for me the second I come home." Harry's eyes fixate above Louis's shoulder seeing Zayn with a honey shaded stuffed bear and a bouqet of colorful flowers, though it doesn't last long before he's walking off.

Harry inhales whist shutting his eyes tight, shaking his head, attempting best as possible to avoid causing a scene in the neigborhood. He's hysterically laughing, fighting back the swell of tears pooling below his eyes, swallowing the tension in his throat, "Today is our six months, you idiot."

There's no way he could contain his aggrivation any further, "You're so selfish! Maybe the beginning it did start out like that, but I really ended up falling. Even if you didn't bring your rebound that night, Zayn and I still would've been a thing. It would've worked out a whole lot better because he wouldn't have to be a rebound of mine. It was possible to have been inteerested either way."

Louis stands speechles with hands in his pocket and Harry can truly see how guilty Louis seems, but he doesn't even care when looking deep into his eyes, he doesn't feel sympathetic, nor angry. Because Harry is sure. If it was just the four of them like planned, he probably would have got closer to Zayn anyways without any hesitation, not for to prove something to Louis' regarding their status. He knows himself, he's the only one who really knows what he wants. So it isn't his former boyfriend's fault, its his own for not mentioning it sooner into his relationship with Zayn. It really makes him consider a copious amounts of realization.

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