Leave It Up To You [ 8/7 ]

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"So, almost a year, huh. And you still haven't told me too much about him. Obviously I wouldn't know since I moved out after you guys started like, you know." Shawn mumbles with a. Finger swirling along the rim of his glass.

Harry drapes two arms over his mate's shoulder and pulls him close, "Sorry, Shawn. Miss you though." Harry pats his cheek before answering, "I'm happier with him than I've ever been."

"Rebound to lover. Wow! See didn't I tell you that you two would be cute?" Harry ignored Shawn's teasing, instead averts his eyes to the empty stage, anticipating for Zayn to perform soon enough. Apparently this whole set list is dedicated to him so he's jittery, not belong able to remain still on his bar stool.

Harry's eyes transition to Louis who's at the front row, waiting as well. Between him and Zayn, the two took a couple of weeks to communicate until Louis came over one day apologizing for not mentioning his past relationship with Zayn's former crush ─ who is now his lover, meaning things didn't turn out bad did they?

"I love him, a lot." Harry murmurs before it could even process his mind.

"Yeah? Good. And how's Louis feel about that?"

"I mean we're all pretty good. I just don't get too close to him, but we're friends like I wanted. From what I heard via my boyfriend, he's talking to some bisexual bird that likes anal." Harry first cringed at the announcement, not talking to Zayn for at least an hour because he just didn't want to interfere with Louis' new relationship since last time, that didn't turn out right ─ yet it turned out completely the best in Harry's favor.

"Uh, alright. Don't need to know." Shawn scoffs, a light nudge to Harry's shoulder, making him miss him as a roommate a little more than he should, because of course now it's just him and Zayn.

"I didn't either but eh."

When Harry glances up, due to some lighting fixtures roaming the crowd, Harry beholds Zayn in a tan bomber jacket falling loosely over his shoulders with blue jeans all torn that the seem white on the thighs. He's walking with a confident poise, hands gripping firmly around the microphone before perusing the audience. Harry knows what he's looking for, but tests him as he hide under the table but still has a broad view on Zayn's wandering eyes.

"Ermm, someone I appreciate is out there somewhere. Don't know where he is. But he basically, got me this job. Pretty much handed me everything in my life as of now. So I don't know where I'd be without him ─ wait I do know. I know that if I never met him, I wouldn't of known how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. But now I do, and wherever you are, I love you, babe." Zayn's voice echoes around the arena making Harry's heart lunge off its pedestal and through his rib cage.

Harry darts away from beneath the dining table and races over to the front of the venue, his feet picking up before his body could catch up. He laces his hands together as they tuck under his chin in admiration when he sees the spotlight is all on the one he loves most.

Zayn sings so serene, his voice echoes in the most alluring way as his eyes close as if he's really falling deep into the melody and performance. When they open, it's Harry who's the first to get to see his pupils dilate. He blows a kiss to Zayn then sees how teasingly Zayn catches it and presses his palms to his lips.

Applauds roar from all around, and Zayn doesn't end his gratitude, constantly thanking everyone in the audience just before prancing off the stage to meet Harry where he stands waiting.

"Happy nine months, darling!" Harry shouts while draping his arms over Zayn's shoulders with dozens of kisses peppering all over his face like his cheeks and forehead and neck and finally his lips. People surround them with cheers as when Harry flutters his eyes from the kiss, there's a spot light on them.

"Give them a show, yeah?" Zayn mumbles against Harry's lips before attaching them once again. Their kiss is so passionate that Harry's back arches while Zayn's body is lunging forward, hands around Harry's waist as if he needs to feel more and more close to his boyfriend.

Their lustful connection comes to an end he second Harry moans into Zayn's mouth, remembering that he's got a crowd. It's when Harry feels a tight pinch on his hip from Zayn, that's when they both officially pull away with red stained cheeks.

"Beer batter chicken?" Harry proposes with his hand lacing with Zayn's and the other pointing out the door.

"Mash potatoes, too."

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