That Don't Mean A Thing [ 4/7 ]

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Harry pounces over the couch, landing right next to Zayn. He throws an arm around his waist and snakes a hand underneath his shirt before his voice turns enthusiastic and pitchy, "Guess what? Remember how you said you were looking for some music field career, that's why you just got that associate's degree in America?"

"You're quite the listener aren't you, Harry?" An incentive for Harry is a peck which Harry would love to take on further, however, he'd rather explain his good news before anything else.

"Of course, the best for you especially. So, I wanted to offer you this." Considering it's been two months, Harry's got the best proposition to initiate to his boyfriend, and firstly roommate, so it's definitely a beneficial deal that harry needs Zayn to hear.

Harry puts his legs on either sides of Zayn and runs a hand up and down his chest, though he isn't capable of speaking because Zayn's got a pat on Harry's wrists, slightly flustered, "Woah Haz─"

A chuckle escapes Harry's lips before he reaches for his boyfriend's hands, their fingers intertwined tight as Harry leans closer, inches away from his lips, "You're not letting me finish what I want to say! You're going to love it. Or maybe not, but I think it's pretty grand."

"Yeah, I'll determine whether it is or isn't. Spill."

"Got you a job at this place my friend Niall works. It's a record shop and they often do like weekly gigs for shows and stuff. You sing! Be apart of some of the events, but if you don't, well yeah I got you as a cashier for the shop and during free time with no customers you just clean the vinyls. Your welcome to play them too!"

"Fuck babe, thats great. Can't believe you! I'll take it." Zayn lunges forward, a secure grip around Harry's waist before flipping him over and letting their lips meet. It's quick and different from all the other chaste or deep kisses. This is hurriedly, somewhat sloppy, probably Zayn pouring out all of his exhilaration from the new job news.

Harry doesn't mean to but he pulls away, distraught from the reaction Zayn sent his way earlier."And about earlier, you seemed afraid when you thought I was approaching you about, you know. Is there something wrong? You could honestly talk to me about that."

"Sober for months now, you know that. Suppose I could tell you why." Zayn untangles his legs from Harry's before sitting alongside him and tangling their hands together instead.

"I did a lot of foolish stuff back then. I don't actually like to talk about it because lots of things got messy. I'm not saying I have a fucking kid or anything but yeah, drank a lot and didn't take my education too seriously after I left Louis here. Nobody kept me grounded like him. But if you see where I'm coming from... I'd like to do things slowly this time around. And you've gotta tell me if it bothers you."

Harry takes in every word before pressing a kiss to their intertwined hands, "Take your time."

The two settle under the sheets of Zayn's bed, as that's always their resort: Zayn's room. They don't even use Harry's bed, mostly because it isn't as comfortable nor does his room have a television or enough space anyways.

"So, when do I start?"

"Because it's a little personal owned shop, they're not running you on any interviews just a background test, and you should be able to go next week-ish. I'll get you contacted with Niall and then you guys can read contracts together and do work training! Yay!"

Their legs tangle together just like the fingers and despite the sun beaming through their curtains, Harry's eyes are sealing tight, but his ears are still open to Zayn's gentleness exhales straight through his simper, "Glad to have you."

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