Beach baby

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I got my phone back you guys!!!! And somehow it wasn't cracked at all! Wow considering it's a iPhone I am shocked 😳 I am so sorry it's taken me 4 days to update, I have gotten addicted to the Sims 4 and my writing got pushed aside...oops! anyway hope you enjoy this chapter!


Kristen was in the bedroom getting Eliana changed as Robert was taking the dogs for a walk. Tonight they were taking Eliana to the beach and they were both excited. Going at this time a night lessened the chance of other people being there. This beach wasn't as popular as most in the states and that meant that evenings and nights it was usually deserted.

Robert came back just as Kristen had finished getting Eliana dressed in just a plain white onesie that would be used for the water.

"Are you ready to go, baby?" Kristen cooed to Eliana as she picked her up. She grabbed the diaper bag, checking it and making sure it was stocked with the essentials and grabbed the towels out of the laundry room before she followed Robert out.


"We're here baby" Kristen whispered to Eliana once they had arrived. Once Kristen was out of the car with Eliana, all three of them started walking along the shoreline. The sun was setting over the ocean leaving a glistening sparkle over the water. It was truly captivating to them both. Kristen was happy to be able to share the majestic beauty of nature with her daughter.

She was walking along the shore barefoot, cradling her baby girl in an upright position against her chest right next to her heartbeat. Once in a while, she would tilt her head down and see her little girl wide awake, sucking on her fist taking in the beauty of the ocean along with her parents.

"What do you see love? It's beautiful, isn't it?" Kristen asked her daughter in a soft tone. Rob had his arm around Kristen looking at their daughter as She spoke. They continued down the shore little ways until they found a spot that they thought would be great to lounge.

They headed up the sand, Rob sat the diaper bag down and spread one of the towels onto the sand. Kristen carefully got down on her knees laying Eliana on the blanket before changing her diaper.

"Are you ready to go in the water with momma lovebug?" Kristen cooed to the baby. She slowly stood up, removing her shorts and tank top revealing her swimsuit. She still had over 25 pounds of the baby weight but she didn't care. To her, it was proof that a life had been growing inside of her. Her baby girl, her everything.

"Are you coming with?" She asked Robert as she picked Eliana up.

"No, I just wanna watch my girls. You guys run along."

"Alright," Kristen said as she and Eliana headed towards the water. The water was surprisingly warm and Kristen hoped that Eliana like it. She slowly sat down feeling the water soak her bottom half.

She gently laid Eliana on her legs so she would still be in the water. Eliana looked back at Kristen not sure what to think as her mommy took her out of the onesie.

Kristen ran her fingertips over the baby's pitch black hair trailing all the way down her cheek. Eliana stared intently at Kristen before letting out a few cries of displeasure

"Hey, your alright love" Kristen whispered as she stroked Eliana's cheek. Reaching down she scooped a handful of water and poured in on Eliana's chest and part of her stomach, being careful of her umbilical cord spot. She watched as the baby kicked her legs out and whimpered

"Come here sweetheart" Kristen whispered as she picked Eliana up, placing her against her chest. She continued scooping water up placing it on Eliana, She looked out into the sunset, streaks of yellow, pink and orange filled the sky. It was a beautiful sight to Kristen.

"Isn't it beautiful sweetheart?" Kristen asked her daughter. "Someday when you are older, you will truly be able to appreciate the beauty of nature."

Kristen sat there looking out into the ocean for a few minutes until Eliana started fussing against her chest. Leaning down she placed a kiss on top of the baby's head.

"Are you getting hungry baby?" Kristen asked Eliana. "Ok let's go get you fed"

Kristen slowly got up and headed up the beach to where Robert was.

"Can you hand me a towel?" Kristen asked. Kristen wrapped Eliana in the towel and sat down next to Robert.

"Ok, let's get you eating." After she got Eliana eating she leaned back against Robert.

"How did she like the water?"

"Not at first but she warmed up to it," Kristen said smiling at Eliana.

20 minutes later when the baby was done eating, Kristen perched her on her legs as she talked to her. Eliana yawned making them both smile. Robert decided to capture the moment between mother and daughter taking a photo that would become his phone background.

 Robert decided to capture the moment between mother and daughter taking a photo that would become his phone background

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(Please just pretend that is Kristen with Eliana 😂)

"There, now both my girls are my new background," Rob said as he shut his phone off

"I'm taking her back in the water, come with us this time?"

"Sure." Rob followed Kristen as she headed into the water. They both sat down and Kristen slowly removed the towel from around Eliana before lowering her into the water.

They both watched as the baby fluttered her eyes open scanning the area.

Kristen slowly passed her to Rob watching as he laid her against his chest.


Kristen and Robert were sitting in the sand as Kristen nursed Eliana. The moon was glistening over the water a sight that was magical to them both every time.

"We should probably start heading home" Kristen sighed

"Yeah, your right. get both my girls to bed."

Kristen giggled. They waited until Eliana was done nursing and then Kristen got up grabbing the diaper bag while Rob grabbed everything else


Arriving home Kristen took Eliana upstairs who was very much asleep, laying her in the bassinet before heading back downstairs to help Robert bring everything in. She placed the towels in the laundry room and restocked the diaper bag before heading back upstairs to bed where Robert was.

"She should sleep good tonight" Robert smiled

"Yeah, she really didn't sleep at the beach which is very surprising," Kristen said as she climbed into bed.

"Let's take advantage and try and get some sleep ourselves"

"Not going to argue with that........."

What I never knew I always wanted (Robsten story) -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now