Chapter 2

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     Jinyoung felt his heart start to beat quickly as he covered his face with his sleeves. After squealing like a little kid for about 30 seconds he giggled and twirled around. "What's wrong with me?" He whimpered and hugged his books gently.

Finally he found his first period class which was History. He was actually really excited for this class. Maybe because he just loved learning about The past.

"Okay class! Today we actually have a new student!" Jinyoung heard the teacher say as he stood near the door. One student threw a paper ball at the whiteboard and laughed. "Nobody cares!" The teacher snapped his fingers and scoffed. "Oh my gosh! James! Nobody will care when you fail this class so I suggest you get up and throw that trash away"

Everyone laughed and James just pouted as he stood up and went to go pick up the paper ball. Jinyoung looked into the classroom with a small giggle as he looked down at his clothes. He made sure he didn't look bad before knocking on the door gently.

The teacher clapped his hands together and smiled brightly. He skipped over to the door and shushed the class. "It seems like our new student has arrived" The teacher opened the door and gasped dramatically as he laid eyes on Jinyoung.

"H-Hello..." Jinyoung greeted sweetly as he waved. He was scared of how the teacher reacted though. Were his clothes ugly? was his hair messy? Jinyoung held his books tightly as he looked down at his shoes shyly.

"Oh my god!  Boy your dress is super cute!" The teacher cooed as he looked at Jinyoungs dress. No teacher has ever said anything like that to him, so he was pretty surprised. Jinyoung then looked down at is dress and smiled. "Thank you"

after that the teacher nodded and walked  back to the front of the class. Jinyoung walked up with him. He felt eyes land on him as he walked up. Then he saw some girls in the back laughing and rolling their eyes at Jinyoung.

"Class! This is our new student, Jinyoung~" The Teacher said and sat on his desk. Some people smiled but most of them just gave him funny looks. "Jinyoung, My names Mr. Jensen. You can go sit in the back next to Eun ha" A girl in the back with pink hair raised her hand and blew a bubble with her gum. Jinyoung gulped a little and saw that is was the same girl who was rolling her eyes at him. Once he sat down next to her and put his books down, he turned towards Eun ha and smiled. "hello" he said and waved shyly. He loved making new friends. But it didn't work out this time.

Eun ha flipped her pink hair and scoffed. she laughed with her group of girls and looked at him up and down. "Where did you get that dress? The dump?" Eun ha laughed and put her leg over the other. One of the other girls threw an eraser at him and smiled. "Hey I thought dresses for girls~Not for gay boys like you.." she rolled her eyes again and opened her makeup pouch.

Jinyoung dropped his sweet smile and it turned into a very devastated frown. He didn't know why this was happening. He knew he shouldn't have wore this. "It doesn't even look good on him" Eun ha said and turned away from him.

He felt his heart drop as he looked down at his dress. He always though he looked at least a little bit good, but he was wrong. "B-But..but Mark liked my dress..."He whispered to himself and just sighed. Was Mark lying to him? "why would he do that...?" He shook those thoughts out if his head and took notes.

"Oh my god Eun ha~ Mark Tuan was so looking at your ass today~!" One of the girls squealed as they giggled like crazy. "oh course he was, we all know he wants a piece of me" Jinyoung played with his sleeves as he sighed softly once more. Mark was more popular than he thought. He tried to ignore them as he started to doodle a little.

A few minutes before the class ended Jinyoung looked at his notebook and covered his mouth as he tried to cover it. All over his page, He drew hearts with the Letter 'M' Inside of them. He didn't even realize he was drawing that. Before anyone could see, he closed his notebook and waited.

"what do you have there?" Eun ha stood up and walked over to Jinyoungs desk. He just shook his head and looked down. He could tell she was getting annoyed because she kept huffing. Then she smiled and snatched the notebook from under his arm. Jinyoung stood up and tried getting it back but Eun ha was just to tall for him. She laughed and everyone looked back. "should I read It-" She was stopped by the teacher slamming his ruler on the desk. "Eun ha! Give JInyoung his notebook and sit down please" Mr. Jensen said and rolled his eyes. Eun ha scoffed and rolled her eyes as she flipped her hair. she slammed it on his desk, Which made Jinyoung jump a little, and growled.

After she sat back down the bell rang and Jinyoung quickly got up and left. He didn't want to be near Eun ha for another second. He headed towards his locker and looked down at his paper. "I have...Math next-" He was stopped as he felt himself walked into something, Or someone. He looked up and the guy turned around. "M-Mark?" Jinyoung said and shyly brushed a piece of his hair out of his face.

Mark Looked down and his eyes lit up. He smiled and put his hands in his sweater pockets. "Oh hey" He said and chuckled slightly. "I-Im sorry for bumping into you" Jinyoung said and played with the bottom of his dress. Mark titled his head and smiled. "Its okay, Actually I'm glad you did, hehe I also didn't get your name" Jinyoung giggled and nodded. "o-oh my names Jinyoung" He said sweetly and started walking. "I have to get my stuff from my locker" Jinyoung said and Mark walked with him. "Me too"

Mark watched jinyoung as he opened his locker and took out his math notebook. "you have math next?" He asked and Jinyoung nodded. Mark looked at his own locker and smiled like a dork. After the opened it he looked at Jinyoung and leaned again the locker. "Cool, I do too" he said, trying to play it cool. Jinyoung smiled sweetly and closed his locker. "Really? That's great~ Now It will be so fun" He said to Mark as he thought about how his math class would go. Mark laughed and ruffled Jinyoung hair. "You're adorable" he said on a soft gentle tone as he closed his locker as well.

Jinyoung felt his heart start to face and his cheeks burn up like fire as he covered his face with his sleeves. "Mark, stop~ Y-You're making me blush.." he whispered the last part as he looked up at Mark. "But you're cute when you blush" Mark teased again as he stuck his tongue out. Jinyoung pouted and shook his head. "I'm not" he claimed as he looked down at his shoes. "Yeah Yeah~ whatever~" Mark laughed and watched Jinyoung as he walked gracefully. 'My princess'

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