chapter 3

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'Adorable...? Cute...?' Nobody has ever called him that. Ever. Not even his parents. But now that Mark said it out in the open...he felt...happy?

Jinyoung took a deep breath as he smiled at Mark shyly. Even though his heart was fluttering, he wanted to be friends with him. Mark saw the Math class from far away and smiled. "That's the class" he said and pointed down the hall. "Be careful though, the teacher is p-r-e-t-t-y....pretty mean" he said and huffed lazily.

Jinyoung tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. "Mean? How?" Mark puffed his cheeks and put his hoodie on. "She gives so much work, she never lets us rest, we always have tests for no reason, no talking, no laughing, and no breathing to loudly" Jinyoung covered his mouth and gasped softly. He couldn't believe it. Everything that Mark said made the younger ones knees wobble.

Mark looked down and noticed this of course and shook his head. "Don't worry, I won't let her get to you" he said confidently as he stretched his arms in the air. Jinyoung smiled sweetly and giggled. Nobody has ever wanted to be so close to him. It makes Jinyoung wonder why Mark wants to stay with him. "Awe T-Thanks Mark" Mark chuckled as he looked down at the little one.

"Oh! Finally~ We're here" Jinyoung looked through the door but then backed up. There were a lot of people in there. A lot! Mark put his hand on Jinyoung's shoulder and walked in. "Heyyyyyy" Mark cheered as he threw his hands up. Jinyoung flinched and hid behind him like a scared little kid.

"Ayeeeeee! Mark in classsss!!" Some people in the back cheered for him. This made Jinyoung even more scared. He closed his eyes breathed heavily. Suddenly, a big Thud was heard from the Teachers desk. She had slammed a big text book on her desk,which made all the students shush up.

"What...did...I say...ABOUT YELLING?!?" The teacher screamed as everyone covered their ears. Jinyoung held onto Mark shirt and Mark looked back at him. He made a sad face and put his arm around Jinyoung. "'s alright" Mark whispered softly into Jinyoung's ear. The younger one looked up and blinked a few times before nodding slowly.

Mark turned towards the Teacher and bowed. "I'm sorry Ms. Wright" He let go of Jinyoung and walked forward. Jinyoung also followed. Ms. Wright huffed and pointed to his seat. "Mr. Tuan, don't ever do that go sit down" Then she pointed to Jinyoung and growled. "Go sit where ever you want" with that, she headed back to her seat and sat down.

Mark smiled and Jinyoung and leaned him to his desk. The older boy sat down on his seat and pointed to the one next to him. "No one sits there, you should" he smiled and took his things out.

Jinyoung shyly nodded and took a seat. He took his notebook out and flipped to a new page. This class did seem funny at times, but could also be very noisy. Not even three minutes later, a guy in front of Jinyoung turned around and looked at him. His eyes were cold and it made Jinyoung worry.

" you have a pencil I could use?" The boy asked and smiled. When he smiled everything changed around him. It's like he went from a dark cave to a pretty flower garden. Mark looked the the boy and glared.
Jinyoung didn't notice Mark but nodded at the boy. "Y-yes" he took a pencil out from his bag and handed it to him gently. "Thanks bro" he laughed and turned back around. Jinyoung smiled and went back to writing notes.

Mark noted how Jinyoung was happy every time he helped someone, so he took his pencil and broke it on "accident". He turned towards Jinyoung and tilted his head. "Jinyoung? Do you have a pencil I could use?"

Jinyoung nodded with a smile and looked in his back. He took out a cute light pink pencil that that had a kitten eraser at the top. "Here you go~" After handing it to Mark, he giggled shyly and went back to doing his work.

Mark took the pencil and looked at it carefully. He saw the design of the eraser and the color and couldn't help but cover his now slightly red face. 'Cute~!" He thought in his head as he uncovered his face and began taking notes.

A few minutes into taking notes the teacher stood up and went to the board. She started writing down math problems that most of the student didn't even know. "U-Um ma'am?" One boy said and she turned around  she Also gave him a cold glare before nodding. "Yes?" He moved his desk back a little and coughed. "So I was wondering...Why the hell are there letters in math?!?" The boy yelled.

Jinyoung covered his mouth in shock as he noticed the teachers blood boiling. She took a rules and slammed it on her palm, making it brake in half. "Josef...GO TO THE OFFICE NOW!" Ms. Wright yelled back and pointed to the door. Josef huffed and stood up, then out the door he went.

Mark covered his face with his notebook me laughed nonstop. Jinyoung was still shocked as of what just happened. "I-I...okay" he said quietly and went back to working.

Ms. Wright pointed to the board and sat on her wooden stool. It looked like the ones they had in kindergarten classes. "Hmm...Mark! What's the answer to number one?" She asked and put her hand down.

Mark gulped as he looked around the room for helpful posters. He didn't really get this kind of stuff in the first place. "I don't know ma'am" he said and shrugged. Some girls in the front giggled at how cute he was acting, but Ms. wright saw the opposite. "Mark- never mind..." she looked around the room and laid eyes on a boy who was looked doing at his notebook.

"Jinyoung! Come up here and answer the question" Jinyoung froze and looked up slowly. He hated going up in front of the class. It made him nervous and uncomfortable. He looked at Mark and made a worried face. "You got this" Mark whispered with a sweet smile, which made Jinyoung's heart skip a beat.

After a nod he stood up and slowly walked up to the front. Once he got there he picked up the marker and began writing on the board. All the other student took notes in awe. "D-Done.." Jinyoung smiled and put the marker down.

Ms. Wright clapped for him and smiled for once. "Good job Jinyoung, you can sit down now" as he walked back to his seat he felt a hand grab his wrist. He turned around and saw Mark. " are you so smart??" Jinyoung giggled softly and shrugged. "I just study I guess, I can help you sometimes if you want" Marks eyes lit up as he nodded. "That would be awesome" he chucked and went back to his work.

Jinyoung shyly played with his dress as he smiled like a little kid and waited for the bell to ring. Once it did Mark stood up and walked to Jinyoung. "What class do you have next?" Jinyoung looked at his schedule after getting his things and smiled. "Science"

Mark pointed to himself and smiled back. "Same here" Jinyoung giggled and held onto Marks arm. Mark of course didn't mind, he actually found it pretty adorable. "Then shall we go?" Jinyoung nodded and the two walked out the room and to the science wing.

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