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"Man your burp is so loud. I got confused wether it's a burp or a fart." said Fareez.

"Meh. Don't talk to much about farts okay? They're bad for your mental health." replied Syahmi.

Fareez laughed. They sat down and scroll through eachother's Instagram accounts. And when one of them finds something funny - a meme perhaps, they're going to show it to eachother and laugh for 5 minutes straight about it.

About 10 minutes after, they saw a grey Proton Wira stopping infront of the cafe. Two men wearing black and a mask entered the cafe, and quickly moves to the counter. One of them is wearing a hat. Standing straight talking to the girl guarding the counter. His bald friend is standing beside him. Syahmi is watching their movement. They seem odd.

"Fareez, try looking at them. Don't you think they're suspicious?"

"Maybe the cashier is their old friend? Who knows." replied Fareez, still scrolling through his Instagram posts.

"But why does the girl's face seems scared? I'm gonna go pay. You stay here. If anything happens, call the the police right away, okay?" said Syahmi

"Are you serious? Okay whatever suits you. Don't forget to ask for her number!" Fareez laughed.

Syahmi smiled and shooks his head. He went to the counter. Acting normal. He purposely stands beside the man who is facing the girl at the counter.

"Uhh.. miss? I want to pay." asked Syahmi to the girl. No response. Same scared face. Her eyes are looking at Syahmi. Then moving a little. Trying to ask Syahmi to look at the man's hand. There's a gun hidden under his jacket. It is aimed at Ana.

"Aargghh! Why are you disturbing us?!" The man saw Ana's movement. His secret is revealed. Pistols are aimed at everyone in the cafe, including Syahmi. The bald friend is holding a knife.

"Everyone! Down on the floor. Now! If you want to live do what I say! I want to do it quietly but you guys asked for it! Now whatever happens, I don't care! As long as I get what I want!" All the customers panicked. Waiters that are busy serving are shocked. Plates and bowls fall down. Breaking apart. Food is everywhere on the floor. Some are screaming for help. But finally everyone needs to follow the thief's instructions. Lay on the ground.

"Whoever has the guts to call the police will have their head smashed into pieces!" shouted the bald guy.

While laying on the ground, Syahmi is scanning the surroundings. There are two thieves. One holding two pistols and one holding a knife. If noone acts, they'll get away with the money. Their car are waiting infront of the door. When they get the money, they'll enter the car, and then dissapear. At that time it's too late.

"Now hurry up and open the safe! Put all the money into this bag. All of em!" shouted the thief to Ana. The pistol is now aimed towards Ana. This is his chance.

Syahmi stood up. The thief's right hand is twisted, making the pistol fall down to the ground. With his left leg, syahmi kicked the other pistol off his left hand. Quickly, Syahmi kicked the pistols away from the thieves. One powerful punch is targeted to the thief's face. The thief fell down.

His friend dashes to help. His right hand swinging the knife. Syahmi needs space to avoid all his attacks. He moves backwards with the thief getting closer. They're both moving away from the counter.

Man this guy's fast. I need to backfire his attacks. Syahmi tried to attack. He raised his right leg, trying to trick the thief to a false kick. He got tricked. Poww!! His left leg kicked away the knife away from his hand. Flew in the air, almost hitting Ana.

"Ahh! Without a knife, I still can fight with my bare hands!" shouted the bald thief.

"Think again." Syahmi stretched his arms while the thief is acting like a boxer ready to fight.


In that time, Fareez took out his phone and dialled 999. Syahmi gave a teasing look using his hand and index finger with the "come closer if you dare" movement.

The thief punched. Syahmi avoids it. His right leg kicking his hand away.

Bukk! Another kick directly to the stomach. He hold his stomach, coughing but still standing. Syahmi saw his chance.

"Here comes your death wish!" shouted Syahmi.

A powerful kick is given to the right side of the thief's head. A death spin. The whole body of the attacker spins in the air to gain momentum before kicking the opponent.

The thief's body flung backwards before his head hits one of the tables, causing it to break.

Fareez's eye opened wide. That's the death spin. It's his first time watching it live. Syahmi's chest is moving up and down rapidly. Fewh, that guy's down. Suddenly..

Kechak! He can feel a pistol at his back. God dammit.

"DIEEE!" shouted the other thief. A moment before the shot is released.

Bukk! His head is kicked. Down he goes. Syahmi turned around slowly. The thief with the gun is laying down on the ground. Blood splatters everywhere. Some teeth are also left laying on the ground.

A man with black glasses , tough body and cool hair walks in. That's Syahmi's saviour.

"Muhammad Syahmi" said the man.

Syahmi is confused.

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