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"Ceh. He said it was not far from here!" Detective Hazim pulled the handbrake. "Trying to search for the building is another pain in the ass!"

The car is parked. Syahmi looked at his watch. Almost one o'clock in the morning. Then he looked outside. There is an old building situated there. The place is silent. Dark. Detective Hazim checked the MAUT ticket again, making sure this is the right place. Syahmi and the others also looked at the ticket Detective Hazim is holding.

"According to this address, this is the right place." told Intan after looking at the address from the back seat. "Let's go!"

Everyone went out from the car. The building they're going is a 5-storey one.

"What building is this? Is it old but not bulldozed? Renovated?" asked Fareez.

"This was a shopping complex. I once made a show here with my father and brother. But this place went bankrupt after someone commited suicide in there. Even before that this place is not well known. I forgot this place's name." explained Ainin.

"Heh. Even the name is so hard to memorize. No wonder it's not well known." said Detective Hazim.

All five of them walked in. The glass door is opened. The interior of the first floor is empty. The walls are filled with graffiti. Most windows are broken. The ones that survived are dusty.

Detective Hazim approached a broken escalator that leads downwards. Syahmi and the others followed from the back. When they approached the escalator, they can hear people cheering. While going down the escalator, the cheering gets louder. They arrived infront of a door.

The door is opened. They all walked in. Inside there is well lit than the outside. There are several man in black guarding the inside. All holding guns.

The cheering of the viewers can be heard from every inch of the room. That place was actually a store that sells western food. But now, it's only an empty room that becomes their battle rink. Inside the rink which is only made a square using black duck tape, there are two men fighting. The smaller one seems like he's getting beat up by the bigger one.

Buk! The smaller man fall to the ground. The refree starts his counting.

"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten!' The refree raises the victorious man's hand.

The viewers cheered. Many of them clapping. Some of them are recording the scene using their phone and camera. The rink is emptied. The man who is beaten is brought to the medic room. A man wearing a black jacket goes into the middle of the rink.

"We have our winner... Gangstaa!" said the man with all his might. The viewers cheered again. Syahmi and then others only watched. This doesn't look like an underground tournament at all. Most viewers are rich and wearing dresses like attending an opera. Some are also foreigners. American.. African.. Korean.. Japanese..

At the whiteboard behind the rink is the scoreboard. It shows four matches and seven teams (it was supposed to be eight) and how many points they have obtained.

Match 1 :
Slayers 3 - 1 Black Warriors

Match 2 :
Rockerz 2 - 3 Iron Dragon

Match 3 :
Gangsta 3 - 1 Bullz

Match 4 :
Troublemakers 0 - 0 ?

That match just now must be match number three. There is still no team to face team Troublemakers. Looks like that's their opponent.

"Okay. Last match for today! Looks like there's still no challenger for Troublemakers! According to the rules, if no team steps up to challenge them in the count of ten, they'll automatically win this match!" explained the man followed by the counting. The viewers also counted as well.

Beside the entrance, there's a small table. Detective Hazim approached a young lady who is sitting behind the table. "Uhh.. is this the registration for the tournament?" asked Detective Hazim in a hurry.

"Yup. If you want to bet, you should go to that table." replied the lady while pointing at another table near the rink. There are many people who are putting their bets with who's going to win. "Oh. So you guys are the last team?"

"Yes! Hurry! We need to register ourselves! Or not, they'll win!" asked Fareez.

"Okay. Okay. Tickets?"

"Here." Detective Hazim gave the woman five tickets. The tickets are observed. She nodded. At that time, the counting has already reached three.

"Three!.. Two!.. One!.."

"Wait!" Syahmi shouted while pushing the others. Making his way to the center of the rink. "We're the last team! We'll challenge the Troublemakers!"

The man looked at Syahmi and then looked at the lady near the entrance. The lady nodded. The man looked at Syahmi again. "Team name?" asked the man.

The situation became silent. Syahmi looked around, searching for ideas. He scratched his head. Detective Hazim and the others looked at eachother.

"Perkasa!" shouted Syahmi.

"We're Team Perkasa!"

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