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Hahaha! Hahaha! Three boy students are laughing. While laughing, they are pushing another student who is smaller. A junior perhaps. They took turns pushing him. Like trying to pass a ball towards eachother. Sometimes the victim fell onto the ground. Picked back up. Viciously. Pushed around again. Bully.

The victim fell onto the ground again. The situation became quiet for a second. His blue shirt became dirty. His pants are thorn. His prefect's tie is almost ripped off. His black shoes are nowhere to be seen. The dirt there is damp. Easy to stick to clothes. Hard to wash.

"You think you're that awesome, huh?" The student wearing the nametag 'Muhammad Rais' approaches him. "Huh? Kamal?!"


One kick onto his chest. Arrghh! He didn't manage to stand up. Painful.

"You're just a form one prefect, you wanted to show off? We have been here for four years. Four freaking years! Our secret is never revealed. But why did you told the discipline teacher about this? Huh?!"


Another kick to the same place. Arrrgggh! Kamal cried in pain. Tears rolls down his cheeks.

He was supposed to be home right now. Haven lunch, take a bath, do his homework, watch TV. Why? Why must it be like this? He cried. Afraid. In pain.

Everything started that morning. Kamal was walking to his class. He walked through Block D because it saves more time. Not many students use that route. But he doesn't care. People say time is gold. He is always punctual.

While walking, he saw Rais and his friends. They are hiding something in the pile of trash at the end of the hallway. Kamal waited until all of them left. He approaches the pile of trash. He searched around. What a surprise!

Cigarettes and phones.

The discipline room is the first place he went after knowing about this. He told everything. There's definite proof. Easy to search for the student who broke the rules. Rais and his friends knew there will be a sportcheck so they decided to hide it there. If the teachers find it when they put it in their pockets, they will be in great trouble.

How did they know about Kamal? Nobody knows. When all students are leaving the school, he was forced to go behind the D Block. Kamal is small. He was forced. Then it all started. They took his bag, and beat him up. Kamal only followed the rules. But instead he became the victim of this situation.

This time, Kamal tried to stand up with what's left of his energy. His chest was kicked, his whole body felt the pain. Kamal coughed. The laughter of the bullies made him mad. The bullies spitted, teased and threw stuff at him. When he was crawling to get up, another kick is about to land at the same place. His chest.


Uhuk! Uhuk! Rais backed off. Coughing. A footprint of a Pallas shoe is visible on his white school uniform. Painful. Rais massaged his chest then looked forward.

"This is a school. A place for students to study. What in the world is happening here with all these noise?"

The girl prefect puts down her leg. She lifted up her dress revealing her Puma tracksuit. Her blue tudung is tied tighter to prevent it from getting off. She posed like a silat fighter, ready to fight.

"Are you searching for trouble?! I didn't even bothered you! But if you want it, come and get it!" shouted Rais. Mad. He told his two friends to attack her.

"Uhh.. Rais? Don't you know her?" said his friend to the right. "She's the head prefect. Intan!"

"So what? She's a head prefect and can kick my chest whenever she wants?!"

"Hehh.. I don't beat up girls." said his friend to the left.

"Do you want me to tell everything to your parents?! I knew everything you did with me! If you want to run, then run!" provoked Rais.

"Arghh you bastard!" His friend to the right was forced to follow Rais' instructions. He had no choice. Rais pushed his friends forward. The order to attack is given.

The friends approaches. Either they know how to fight or not. Their hands are tightened up to make a fist. Intan didn't even move a muscle. Only watching her opponents. The bullies tried to punch Intan in the face. A weak punch. Is this guy kidding me? Intan's left hand defended the attack. Her right immediately punches his chest.

"Ouuucchhh!!" The attacker fell down. Coughing. Just like that? Meh.

The next bully approaches. Only following Rais' orders. This one also looks blur. Doesn't know what to do. Intan laughed while watching his movement.

"What are you guys doing? Pathetic. It's better you guys go home and wash the dishes. You guys beating this guy up, then want to beat me up. What do you guys even get? Huh?" Intan purposely made them mad. She wants them to attack. She wants to beat them up.

The bully raises his left leg. Kicks. Intan moved to the left. Avoided and the bully's left chest is striked using her left elbow. Once but the impact was great. Aarkk! Painful. The bully's body is numb. He can't breathe properly. His legs can stabilise the whole body. Intan pushed the bully's chest. Fell down. Fainted.

Rais watches both of his friends. Both of them lost in battle. Now he's alone versus a cute, handsome girl. But behind all of that, only God knows. Rais is still mad. Angry. Embarrassed. Ahhh! Those two can't even be counted on. Looks like I'm doing this by myself. I don't care who she is, I'm going to beat her up.


Rais dashes towards Intan. Quickly. His punches are faster compared to his two pathetic friends. Intan avoided his punch. Her left knee strikes up to hit Rais' stomach. Rais backed off while holding his stomach. It feels numb. But he came back, but with a stupid kicking technic. Easy. Intan moved to the side. Quickly, her hand grabbed Rais' jaw before delivering a punch.

Bukk! An uppercut from Intan.

Uhuk! Uhuk!

Intan took a deep breath. Her sweat on her forehaead is wiped off with her long sleeved baju kurung.

"Intan!" A female student approaches her. Behind her is a guard following her.

"Syu! What are you doing here?"

"I think I need to ask you that first. What are you doing here? I waited for you at the bicycle stand. It's hot you know? You ruined my make up."

"Sorry, Syu. I left my pencil case at my class. So I came here. Then I saw these three guys beating up this form one. I beat them up. Serves them right." explained Intan while kicking Rais' chest.

"Ughh.. what if anything happens to them? Who will be responsible? Good think when I was on my way, I met a guard. We searched for you throughout the whole school!"

"Okay. Okay. Sorry Syu." Intan cleans herself up.

"Intan, you okay?" asked the guard. Intan nodded.

"Okay, you two can go home now. These three guys, I'll handle them. Thank you very much for your help."

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