Personal Problems

19 5 0

"Yes, this one!" Intan gave the orders.

The car stopped infront of a semi-D two storey bungalow. Behind the gates are 3 cars, BMW , Lamborghini, and Mercedes Benz. A daughter of a rich guy! But comes home with a bike. The outside of the house is decorated with grass carpets. It is really breathtaking.

A woman in a yellow baju kurung opened the front door.

"Eh, Intan! You brought some friends? Come in, come in." invited the lady then ran towards the back of the house. Intan told them to sit on the sifa set in the living room. In the middle of the sofa set is a rectangular table about the height of their knees. That table is clearly seen made from high quality wood. The house is urban themed. Intan went upstairs to clean herself and change clothes.

All of them are looking around the house. Looking at every inch. A plasma TV, a family portrait, a zebra patterned carpet, a Toshiba air conditoner, a chandelier, the decorative plants. Everything looks beatiful and awfully expensive. Well, this is hiw a house of the riches looks like.

Syahmi walked towards a gass cupboard which contains lots of medals and trophies. Syahmi is interested.

"Sorry I'm a little late."

The lady came out with four cups and a jug of orange juice.

"All of those are Intan's. She's a master at silat. If you want to know more, ask her yourself! What I know is, everytime she attends a tournament, I'll go and watch."

The jug is put on the middle of the table. Syahmi sits on the sofa. The lady sat beside him.

"So.. where are you from? Have we met before?" asked the lady.

"Oh, sorry. We have never met eachother before. Let me introduce ourselves. This is Syahmi. Fareez. Ainin. And I'm Hazim." replied Detective Hazim.

"We came here to say sorry because we accidentally hit Intan with our car when she was going home. Her bicycle is also broken. That is why we sent her home. But don't worry miss.. uhh"


"You don't have to worry, Miss Fauziah. She's fine. Only minor scratches at her arm."

"Eh. It's okay. Your effort bringing her back is already enough. Some people hit but then run away. Selfish and irresponsible. You guys helping her made me felt thankful to all of you. If not, I'll worry about her not coming home. Oh you know, the instincts of a mother. About her bicycle, you don't have to worry. We'll buy her a new one." explained Miss Fauziah.

"Eh, no need to, Miss. I hit her so I'm the one who supposed to buy her a new one." continued Detective Hazim. 

Ainin and Fareez laughed. It was Syahmi who made trouble inside the car. Poor Detective Hazim.

The orange juice is poured into the cups. Ainin puts her Iphone 5s onto the table. Not comfortable with her gadget in her pocket.

"Have a drink." said Miss Fauziah.

Fareez quickly takes the cup and drinks the juice. Syahmi glares at his friend. Fareez can't wait at all.

"Where do you all come from?"

"We're from Johor. We came here with urgent matters." explained Detective Hazim. He took out his wallet and asked "So how much does the bicycle costs?"

"Ehh.. you don't have to. Please." Miss Fauziah refused.

Detective Hazim feels bad towards her. Are you serious? "It's okay Miss. I'm the one guilty here so I should pay the price." At the same time his eyes glared at Syahmi.

"Yeah.. it's true." Syahmi answered. Sipping on his juice. Detective Hazim calms his anger. He's very annoying. Why on Earth did I brought him in the first place?

Detective Hazim took out five RM100 notes and gave it to Miss Fauziah. "If this is not enough, tell me. I'll add more."

Miss Fauziah accepts the money embarrassed. "This is more than enough. Thank you very much."

Before even Detective Hazim has the chance to say 'you're welcome' his phone rang. He went to the side and answered it. "Okay. Okay." Detective Hazim returns to the sofa. "Miss, we need to go now." He puts his phone back into his pocket.

"Oh, you have to go now? Why is Intan being so late? Never mind, please finish the juice first." said Miss Fauziah.

Intan went down the stairs. Wearing casually.

"Intan! Why are you so late? Your friends are about to leave already." told Miss Fauziah.

"I took a bath and put some medicine onto my wounds, mum. That's why I'm a little late." replied Intan.

"Okay. Miss, Intan. We're leaving now. Thank you." said Detective Hazim politely.

"Thank you for sending me home too. And sorry for getting mad at you guys earlier. I was shocked." replied Intan.

When they were just about to go out, a man came rushing into the house. Who's that? Is that Intan's father? In the family portrait there's only three people. Miss Fauziah, Intan and her husband. This man was not in the picture. Whatever. None of my business.

"Who are they?" asked the man while sitting on the sofa. His eyes focused on all of them.

"Those are Intan's friends." replied Miss Fauziah, simple. Intan was just about to go upstairs.

"Intan! Come here! Sit here!" ordered the man. Intan sighed. Her 'why is he here right now' face can clearly be seen on her face.

"Why? What's the matter?" asked Miss Fauziah.

"Where's the bike?" asked the man to Intan. Sternly. Intan just kept quiet. "Where is it?! You think I didn't realize it? Where. Is. It?!" shouted the man.

Miss Fauziah was stunned. "She was involved in an accident just now."

"Yeah, I was in an accident. So what?" replied Intan. She is purposely being rude to him. This is just a small matter. He's acting like I destroyed his car. Everyday I need to go home using a bicycle. When it's broken you'll get mad at me. This time is not my fault. It was an accident. Dumb.

"You really don't know how to respect the elderly, huh? Do you know how much I money I used on buying that bike? You don't know how to take care of your belongings, do you?! From now on, you'll go to school and come home by foot!"

"Dude. I don't even care. This whole time you used our money. Not your's! You also gambled, do bad things, you steal. Why do humans like you even exist?!"

"Heii!" the man stood up. Ready to attack. Intan didn't move at all from her spot. Ready to fight too.

"Enough!" Miss Fauziah shouted. "Intan, go to your room, now!"

Intan stood up and went upstairs to her room. She slammed her door shut.

Thank god mother stopped me. Or not, you'd be dead in my eyes.

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