Unexpected Words

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When we got changed and returned to class, it seemed like me and Shouto were the centre of attention.
"Why are you guys even crowding us?" I asked.
"We have a bunch of questions, of course," they said.
"Were you guys born at the same time?" asked Krishima.
"Yes," said Shouto.
"I thought having twins was only with two girls or two boys," said Ashido.
"Not all the time," I said.
"How are you guys so strong?" asked Uraraka.
"Practise," said Shouto
"Why aren't your Quirks the same?" asked Yaoyorozu.
"They just aren't," I said, not going too much into details. More questions were being asked, all the way to the classroom. They finally settled down as we sat at our desks. Me and Shouto felt deflated from our little ambush of people. We slumped in our chairs, having a breath of fresh air. I took out some work and prepared for afternoon classes. One of them was maths, which I guess I was pretty skilled at. I answered most of the questions, and didn't get many wrong. When we had a free lesson, everyone gathered in small groups and started chatting. Everyone was getting on nicely, well, almost. I glanced around and saw Bakugou sitting alone at his desk. His feet were propped up on the table, and his hair covered his eyes. I remembered how terrible he looked after that fight with Midoriya. What did this mean to him? I got up, excused myself from the conversation, and went over to him.
"Katsuki Bakugou?" I said, standing next to him. I saw his head tilt up slightly but I couldn't see his eyes yet. I waited for him to say something, but he didn't say a word. I sat down in the chair in front of his desk, and turned my full attention to him. "Why did your face suddenly change?" I asked.
"Change into what?" he whispered, still in his rough voice.
"This mess," I said. That made his head pop up and his eyes glare into mine.
"What do you mean, mess?! Who are you calling a mess?!" he said, his voice growling at me. I kept calm as I spoke to him, but saw Shouto stare right at me, almost in confusion. I glanced at him, giving him a look to say I was fine. I sighed.
"There's not use crying over this," I said.
"Who said I'm crying?!" shouted Bakugou.
"There are many chances that you could defeat Midoriya, but right now isn't one of them," I said, ignoring him, "although you may have a personal grudge against him, it's not right to mix it with your hero work. Many lives could be lost, and one of them could be yours if you're not careful. I can tell your Quirk is powerful, but you're not going to improve if you hold this grudge over your shoulders, weighing you down. If you want to be the best hero, focus all your energy on your Quirk, and that alone. Try hanging out with new people, and try discovering about their lives a little. No one likes someone who's too full of themselves. Confidence is important but not self-praise. That's just being cocky," I felt like everyone's eyes were on me, but I paid no attention to it. I kept my eyes on Bakugou, who kept his eyes shielded. I leaned a little closer to him, so only he could hear me. "I kind of like that Quirk of yours, and I'd like to see it improve, and the only way you can do that is practise." With that, I got up, and walked back to my seat. Shouto glared at me and slapped me round the back of the head. "Ow, what was that for?" I said, rubbing my head.
"Tch, you could have died," he joked, but gave me a serious face.
"Shut up," I said, then glanced at Bakugou, "he's not that bad." I returned to the previous conversation, sometimes laughing and teasing Shouto with Yaoyorozu shaking her head in my childish behaviour towards him.
"So, if you guys were to fight, who would win?" asked Krishima.
"Neither of us," said Shouto. They looked at us, puzzled.
"You see, I can melt his ice, but at the same time, he can freeze my fire," I said.
"How does that even work?" asked Iida. We both shrugged. Soon, I heard the door open, and I saw Midoriya enter the classroom. My eyes immediately fell on Bakugou, but he wasn't there. When did he leave? Everyone started to congratulate him on his fight against Bakugou, then asking how he was. His eyes then fell on Bakugou's desk, then ran off, probably trying to find him. I looked at Uraraka's worried face, then pulled her over to the window, and we saw Bakugou and Midoriya... talking? That's a first. I then noticed that Bakugou's voice was rising again, and I saw tears coming from his eyes. I heard him say something related to Shouto, and how he couldn't beat him, then it went to not being able to beat me. Me? Does he consider me that powerful? He even thought Yaoyorozu was right about his large-scale attack on Midoriya. I then heard him say something that made my eyes widen slightly.
"I'm just getting started! I'll do something that no one has even told me before! I'll improve my power so I can beat everyone, especially you!" he said, tearing up. They stared at each other for a while before Bakugou started to leave, but then All Might came out of nowhere and grabbed him. He started to talk, but Bakugou told him to let go, leaving a stunned All Might and Midoriya.
"What was that?" asked Ashido.
"The fated battle between men," said Uraraka.
"It looked like Midoriya was just giving excuses one-sidedly, though," said Tsuyu.
"The fated battle between men!" insisted Uraraka. I glanced back at the gate where Bakugou was wiping away his tears. I gave him a small smile. That guy will have a hard time trying to get to the top, but he defiantly has the right attitude for it.

When it was time to go home, me and Shouto just decided to walk instead of race. We were still new to the route, but we were secretly finding shortcuts for our races. When we got back, Shouto stretched his arms in the air.
"I think I might sleep for while," he said, yawning a little. I stretched my back with my arms in the air. Without realising, I let off a few sparks from my fingertips. "Oi, don't set that off in here!" said Shouto, smacking my hands down.
"Oh, sorry," I said, "I think I might practise a bit more. I still have more fuel to burn."
"Ok, but don't say out too long," he said, as he climbed up the stairs to our room. I took off my blazer, loosened my tie, and took off my shoes and socks. I didn't want to burn them.

I stepped outside the door, taking in a breath of fresh air. It was already getting dark, but it didn't matter to me. I felt my feet warm up as well as my hands, then shot myself into the air, twirling around as I went up. I hovered in midair, looking over my dimly lit house before flying over to an isolated hill I used to play with Shouto and get told off for using my Quirk around other people. No one goes there anymore so it was like my little private training area. I usually went here if I skipped Father's training sessions.
I settled on the cold grass, making sure not to burn it, and started to stretch a little. I haven't practised air-fighting as much. I'll probably start doing that since it could become useful. I figured I should practise hovering close to the ground while fighting, just in case. With that, I positioned myself into a fighting stance. To start, I threw a couple punches, normally at first then using my Quirk to add more power to it. I added some kicks, too, sometimes putting my hands on the ground as I would flip my legs up, using my fire to boost myself faster. The last kick I did, I positioned myself like I did when I started, threw my arms over my head, jumped backwards, and kicked my legs up, and putting my hands on the grass. However, before my feet touched the ground, fire flooded from my feet, hovering just above the grass, then quickly, I spun myself around, using my legs to kick the air and using my hands to balance myself in the air. I continued to do this until I paused in a normal fighting stance, still hovering above the ground. A thought quickly came into my head, and decided to try it out. I put one arm in front of me and one behind me, and started to shot flames from it. I began to spin in a circle, letting the flames spill everywhere, and it started to look like a ball of fire, spinning at full speed. I let the flames lash out, like they were hitting people around me, going to all directions and angles. I smirked at my first attempt at this, and started to slow down. Before I finished, I flipped one more time, landing on my feet and one hand, the other arm in the air, letting the flames move away from me, looking like a wave of fire exploded away from me.
With that, all the flames disappeared, and the hill became dimmer with the setting sun being the only light. Suddenly, I heard explosions going off, seeing another source of light in the corner of my eye. I turned my head towards the source, slightly tensing myself just in case. The explosions didn't seem to be too far away, but they weren't coming any closer. In mere curiosity, I started to head towards it, being careful. I crept towards an enclosed space not far from the hill; a little open shot in the middle of a small forest. I hid behind a tree. Before I did anything else, the explosions stopped. I waited a couple more seconds before peeking my head from behind the bark. There was no one there, and suddenly I didn't feel too safe.
All of a sudden, I felt like something behind me. I lit up my arm, raising it in front of my head. Another hand came into view, hitting my arm with extreme force, skidding me from behind the tree and into the open spot. I closed my eyes, feeling the rough ground scrap against my bare feet. I quickly opened my eyes, lighting up my other hand, squatting into a fighting stance. A figure jumped out of the shadows, landing a couple meters in front of me, also in another fighting stance, their hands clawed in front of them. I could see their teeth shining in the dim light. Suddenly I loosened my stance.
"Bakugou?" I asked, peering into the dim light.
"Huh?" said a growling voice, the figure lowering his hands. In a quick motion, a spark left my fingertip and hovered in the gap between me and the figure. I saw Bakugou's angry face staring at me, one eyebrow raised while the other was in its usual angry position.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, lowering my arms completely, but kept the ball of fire in place, using that as a light source for us. He growled at me, rising his hands again and lowering himself a little.
"That's none of your business! Why are you following me?" he yelled, letting little explosions set off in his open palms.
"I wasn't," I sighed, putting my hands behind my head, "I was practising some moves a little aways from here. I only heard all your noise and wanted to see what it was." I then noticed a little smirk form on his face.
"Is that so?" he questioned, setting off more explosions, "then come at me." I raised an eyebrow at him, staring at him with slightly closed eyes. I sighed again, closing my eyes, lowering myself.
"Alright," I said, then looked at him with cunning eyes, "but I don't go easy." As soon as those words came out of my mouth, his grin became wider. It's exactly what he wanted to hear.

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