Ice vs Blades vs Darkness

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I watched, through my red vision of blood trickling down my forehead, their eyes widen in horror. It's the first time I've seen them being terrified of something they were faced with.
"H-Homura..." breathed Shouto, his voice too shaken to even speak. Bakugou couldn't take his hand away from his mouth. His eyes were wide and it was almost like he was about to cry.
"Go..." I said, trying to speak louder. The villain turned around, hovering near me as he noticed the boys. Suddenly, a familiar tingle flowed through my body, followed by a familiar voice.
"Everyone in Class A and Class B!" yelled Mandalay through her Telepath, "In the name of the pro hero, Eraser Head, you are granted permission to engage in combat! I repeat! Everyone in Class A and Class B! You are granted permission to engage in combat!" I saw Bakugou smile to himself, but as he raised his head to look at the villain, his smile turned into a stern growl.
"Get away from her!" he said, his voice low and harsh, scarier than when he's usually angry. I've never seen him this mad.
"Don't!" I yelled, knowing the danger behind this villain. But I knew Bakugou wouldn't listen. Instead, he stared at the guy with extreme rage. Shouto still hadn't moved. I saw he was carrying someone, possibly from Class B. Our eyes met and I could see how scared he was. Bakugou started walking closer to the guy.
"You hear me?" he said, his voice still low but angry. Just then, another tingle went through our bodies.
"We have discovered one of the villain's targets," echoed Mandalay's voice, "it is one of the students- 'Kacchan'! 'Kacchan' should try to avoid combat and acting independently. Understand, 'Kacchan'?!" My eyes widened and turned back to the angered boy, now running at full speed towards me and the villain.
"Stop making so much noise in my head!" he yelled, his eyebrows almost touching and a sinister grin attached to his face.
"Bakugou! Don't!" I managed to scream, followed by the villain releasing his sharp knives towards Bakugou. My heart felt it had been pierced as I watched the blades get closer to him, but I sighed in relief to see him disappear behind Shouto's ice.
"Don't go rushing carelessly into anything!" yelled Shouto. I watched the blades hold in place as the villain was lifted off the ground and held up by his weapons.
"I have to follow... I have to do my job..." moaned the villain, his voice a little muffled.
"Did you hear that earlier? She said you're being targeted!" yelled Shouto. I wasn't really able to see them from the ice, but I used this chance to inch my way forward, trying not to get the attention of the villain and trying not to open my wounds even more.
"That damn Deku did something. I just know it. Saying 'fight' then 'don't fight'! And now your own sister is in danger! I don't give a damn what anyone says!" yelled Bakugou, leaping from behind the ice with his arm ready to attack. I watched as the blades that were stuck in the ice extend towards Bakugou but Shouto luckily shielded him in time. The villains blades retracted back into his mouth, and it would be only seconds that he could attack again, so I quickly raised my hand, shooting fire towards this guy. I heard him dodge with his blades, falling behind a tree from cover.
"He's good at using the terrain with his Quirk," said Shouto, waiting for any movement.
"Even though he just looks like some scrawny small fry!" added Bakugou. I heard Shouto grumble under his breath, and his footsteps hurrying towards me.
"Homura! You okay? What happened?" he asked, panic filling his voice. I smiled and wiped the blood from my forehead.
"Now's not the time. Keep an eye out for that villain," I said, struggling to get up. A strong arm held me up, and I saw Bakugou had come over. He stared at me with worry, then embraced me hard.
"You idiot..." he mumbled, but his voice seemed slightly broken. I smiled into his shoulder and returned his hug, until we heard the sound of the terrifying metal hit Shouto's ice.
"He's back. Looks like he's got a lot of experience," said Shouto, as all three of us stared up at this guy who was upside down, his blades holding him up.
"Show me... your flesh..." the villain moaned. Bakugou's face tensed up again, raising his arm to attack, but I stopped him.
"Knowing you, if you used your Quirk around here and the fire spreads, we'll be surrounded by flames, and everyone will die," I said with a stern voice. His teeth clenched together as he understood me, lowering his arm. We looked up at the villain again, only to quickly dodge back after seeing his blades come at us at full speed. Shouto covered us with the ice, blocking our view with the villain. The only thing between him and us was a thick layer of ice, but we kept hearing it break after the blades were repeatedly hitting it.
"Flesh... piece of meat... flesh...!" yelled the villain, the sounds of more blades coming our way. It was blocked by Shouto's ice, but that's as much as we could do.
"I can't get near him, damn it!" growled Bakugou, his arm around my waist to help me dodge the attacks, "the only thing I can do is blast him with everything I've got..."
"You can't!" yelled Shouto, his right side of his face getting icy. I lifted my hand up, heating it up to melt the ice from him. My hand weakly fell back down, due to the wound still deep and dripping with blood.
"If the trees burn, just cover them with ice right after!" protested Bakugou.
"The blast will impair my vision, too!" argued Shouto, "what'll happen if I can't stop all of it?"
"I'll do it. My flame is easily controllable and Shouto will be able to see," I said, raising my arm, but Bakugou stopped me.
"You can't even hold a flame for a couple seconds, let alone control it," he growled. I looked at Shouto for another vote, but he nodded in agreement with Bakugou.
"Our opponent has the advantage in both number of moves and distance," said Shouto. We all racked our brains, trying to think of something to do, when we all suddenly heard several explosions coming from the side of us.
"There! I can see ice! They're in the middle of a fight!" yelled someone familiar from a distance. We all turned, including the villain to the sounds hurriedly approaching us. In the distance, we saw someone running towards us. I instantly knew who it was.
"Shoji!" I yelled, letting go of Bakugou to slowly make my way towards him, but stopped when I saw the commotion behind him.
"Bakugou! Todoroki! Ah, you're safe! One of you, please- make some light!" he yelled, his eyes full of fear.
"Flesh!" yelled the villain, and a blade flew towards Shoji. However, a large growl and thud  covered the villain before the blades could do any harm. All three of our eyes and mouths fell open to see the creature in front of us. Its red eyes and huge figure took up my field of vision. Dark Shadow? I looked closely to see Tokoyami struggling with his Quirk, strong tears leaving his eyes and screams of pain and guilt left him.
"Kacchan!" yelled Midoriya from behind Shoji. We could see his battered face, like he had taken his Quirk too far for his body to handle.
"Shoji and Midoriya and..." mumbled Shouto.
"Tokoyami..." I muttered, hardly believing what I was seeing. Dark Shadow continued to smash his way around us.
"Hurry up and make light! Tokoyami's out of control!" yelled Shoji before Dark Shadow slammed his hand against the ground near him.
"Indiscriminate attacks, huh?" said Shouto, putting down the unconscious boy by my side, "alright, I'll use my flames..."
"Wait, idiot," interrupted Bakugou, holding his arm up to stop Shouto. I glanced up at Bakugou, unsure of what he meant, until we heard a familiar moan.
"Flesh... piece of meat... it's no good... I can't allow it... I'm the only one who's allowed to look at cross-section of those kids... don't steal them from me...!" yelled the villain, only to have Dark Shadow's hand engulf him.
"Don't beg. Small fry!" yelled Dark Shadow, in a way that seemed so frightening. We watched the villain's blades get cut off from his teeth.
"Look..." whispered Bakugou, his voice low but slightly afraid at what he was witnessing. Dark Shadow proceeded to throw the villain around through the trees, throwing him at a tree when we lost sight of him. Dark Shadow became more riled up, breathing heavily as if drunk with power.
"I haven't had enough fun yet!" he yelled, but he was interrupted by two sudden balls of light surrounding Tokoyami, produced by Bakugou and Shouto. Tokoyami fell to his knees, breathing heavily as Dark Shadow retreated back into his body.
"I'm a bad match-up for you." said Bakugou, both him and Shouto putting out their flames.
"Sorry... thanks for saving me..." panted Tokoyami, his head bent down in shame.
"In an instant, the opponent we were barely able to defend against was..." mumbled Shouto.  Shoji walked over to Tokoyami who was still getting up with my help.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
"Sorry, Shoji... also to you both, Midoriya and Todoroki... I was too immature... I let my anger take over and released Dark Shadow... the influence of the darkness and my anger spurred on that guy... in the end, it got so strong that I couldn't hold it back and ended up hurting Shoji and Todoroki," muttered Tokoyami.
"We can leave that for later," replied Shoji, catching Tokoyami's attention, "that's what you would say, right?" Tokoyami looked up at Shoji with admiration as they stared at each other with confidence.
"Oh, right!" interrupted Midoriya, "we confirmed that one of the villain's targets is Kacchan."
"Bakugou? Are they trying to kill him? Why?" asked Tokoyami.
"I don't know," replied Midoriya, "anyway, I think the camp is the safest place since there are two pros, Vlad King and Aizawa, there."
"I see. So now our mission is to escort Bakugou there, huh?" asked Tokoyami.
"But at the clearing, the Pussycats are still fighting," mentioned Midoriya, "going back on the path would bring us to the attention of the villains, and we'd lose time. We should cut straight across."
"We don't know how many villains there are. We might come across one suddenly," mentioned Shouto.
"We can use Shoji's search ability," Midoriya pointed out, "and we have Todoroki's freezing, maybe Todoroki's fire if she's feeling alright, and if Tokoyami's okay with it, an invincible Dark Shadow with built-in controls... honestly, with this group, we could possible even go up against All Might."
"What's with you guys?!" yelled Bakugou. I turned to him.
"You walk in the middle," I said, taking no interests in his remarks.
"Don't protect me, you fool!" he yelled at me.
"Let's go," said Shoji, walking ahead.
"Don't ignore me!" yelled Bakugou.
"Make sure you keep up," added Shouto, pushing me to walk forward.
"Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugou continued to yell. I heard Tokoyami chuckle as he walked behind him. After walking for a couple minutes, we saw a couple figures hidden in the darkness. We kept our distance, but decided to watch them, just in case we overheard anything. To our surprise, we heard familiar female voices. Shoji stumbled first out of the bushes, shocked at what he saw.
"Uraraka?!" he said, distracting the scene in front of us. Tsu was hanging from a tree by her hair from what appeared to be a huge syringe holding her there. That weapon was connected to a girl that was pinned down by Ochacho, but another large syringe was sucking up her blood. The girl Ochacho was pinning had such a crazy look in her eyes.
"Shoji! Everyone!" yelled Tsu, her lip slightly bleeding. As soon as the girl noticed us, she pushed Ochacho off of her and darted away. We watched her disappear into the shadows and rushed to Ochacho's aid.
"Who was that girl?" I asked her, running next to the girls to hold them tightly.
"A villain. A crazy one," answered Tsu, her voice muffled against my shoulder.
"Uraraka, you're injured!" stated Midoriya.
"It's fine. I can still totally walk," she said, clutching her blood covered arm, "anyway, you're the one that-" she started, staring at Midoriya, Shoji and I.
"This isn't the time to stand around and talk," interrupted Shoji, "let's go, quickly."
"Anyway, I'm just glad you're okay," mumbled Midoriya, sending Ochacho to blush a little. I smiled slightly to see this small affection. I started to lean towards Bakugou, wanting to feel some sort of affection from him. I began to turn around, but just as I did, my heart started to sink.


Nothing but darkness behind me. Not a single figure was there. My mouth quivered in fear and shock as I tried to pull on Shoji. He and Midoriya turned around. I looked at them with teary and wide eyes.

"Where's... Bakugou?"

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