Followers of Destruction

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Ultima ponders on what he had learned from the newcomers. "So, you four are our roommates..."


"And all of you are protectors, correct?"

Another nod.

"Also, those two siblings are the daughters of the founder?

Another nod.

Ultima sighs. "And you didn't tell me this, didn't you Anna?"

Anna scratches her cheek and lets out an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I didn't see the list."

Ultima pats her shoulder. "It's ok, I also didn't see the list. Well, now we amend those problems, we can now do our daily doings."

After everyone is doing what they want, Yusha approaches Ultima. Ultima asks her if there is a problem. She sighs.

"It's Yusha Kimiwa. My apologies for the sudden threatening."

"It's ok, even if you did slice me up, it doesn't matter. Death is natural to occur."

That last comment shocked Yusha. Does he not care that he could have just fought back? She assumes that he has a lot of under confidence.
Ultima then gestures Millie to come to him. After she done it, he asks her family name. "I have to get used to your family names. That is all."

Millie asks him a favor. "Then, can you not gape your mouth about it?"

"Why? Is your prominent and famous among Asdivine?"

"Uh, yes. And you might back away from me..."

Ultima shook his head. "Nah, I think it's good. Come on, say it."

Millie sighs. "Fine, my family name Palentine..." Suddenly, Ultima falls off the bed and Millie runs to check on him. He looks stunned.

Ultima tries to talk. "Palentine? The Palentine that is the family name of our principal!?

She nods. Ultima gets up and asks her. "Then, is Ramyah your grandfather?" She is shocked on how he knew his grandfather. "How did you-."

"I'm actually an acquaintance of him and he is also the one who sent me to this school." Ultima said unimpressed of the fact that he realizes he was forced to attend this school by none other than the founder himself. Millie just sighs in relief.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Class went on as usual as Ultima takes notes. He glances at Anna which has trouble on keeping up with the lesson as she starting to fall asleep. He then glances at Yusha, (Which he was surprised when he learned that she was his classmate and the class president.) taking in all the lessons easily. I feel like I'm the Average Joe here, he thought.

As the last teacher leaves the room, Yusha stands and announces something. "Ultima Kusunagi and Anna Lumin, please come with me to the student council room for an important meeting with the principal." The said two were shocked by the news. Well, Anna was shocked because she might get kicked out. For Ultima, he is relieved that he is finally getting out of this class. He knows that Ramyah can't kick him out, he just got here!

As they are walking, they bump into Edge with his friend. Edge then sees Ultima and scowls while Ultima apologizes. Edge's friend calms Edge down and apologizes as well. Before they part ways, Ultima asks him his name. He turns his head to him and said "It's Karius. Karius Gerald." They then part ways and Ultima's group have gotten to the student council room.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Once they got in, Yusha gestures the two to sit down while she will let the principal know that they are here. While waiting, Ultima notices that Anna is shaking. He took off his hoodie and hands it over to her. She wonders why he gives it to her. He chuckles. "It's either you are cold or you are nervous on Ramyah kicking you out. I can assure you he can't. It's only the first day."

She felt warm when she wears his hoodie. Yusha's head pops out in the next room and gestures them to come in. In the room, there are several screens showing statistics of the Protectors. As Yusha said, Ramyah was there, along with Ez, Millie, and Lynie. Yusha sighs in disappointment. "I should have drag him by the collar. He should show up in here." Ultima asks who she is referring to. She said that she is referring to Edge.

"He is a long-term Protector of this school. I don't why he suddenly became like this." Ultima pats her back. "Don't worry. Even though he treats other people and his duty like a waste of time, he'll come back." Yusha thanks him and went on to the topic at hand.

Everyone took their seats as Ramyah begins the discussion. "So, I heard that the 4 most hard-working Protectors are roommates with the new student here and one of them is a classmate, correct?" They all nod. All of them have a bad feeling about this. Ramyah puts a grin in his face. "That is why I putting all of you in the same classroom!" All of them, with the exception of Ramyah, went pale. "Don't worry, this wouldn't affect your studie-" He didn't finish his statement when four menacing glares were directed at him while Ultima face palms.

"We know! We just want to know why did you do this!" Ramyah laughs heartily. "Well, you all seem to have good terms with him. Especially Ez, since he is his childhood friend. And, this also serves as a punishment for Yusha since she threatened him." All of them are silenced. However, Ultima asks him a logical question. "Then, me and Anna are gonna be left out, since they are Protectors." Ramyah wears a grin again. "Anna is a Protector. Her mother is." Ultima then stares at Anna while Anna looks away. Ultima just sighs. "Guess I'm the only one left out, huh?"

"Not likely." Ultima raises an eyebrow at Ramyah. "How so?" Ramyah just chuckles at him and the other five drop their jaws. "You don't mean-." Ramyah looks at them with ease. "Yes, we will commence the ritual of the Protectors." They then look at Ultima who just chuckled at the statement. "I don't think I need some ritual." All of them raises their eyebrows in question. Ultima grins at them. "Actually, I'm the-." Just before he could finish his sentence, the ground shakes heavily and everyone falls down to their feet. Suddenly, two figures came crashing down to the window and onto the table. Ultima checks it and is surprised by the persons. Ez asks if what is wrong. "Guys, I know them. They are Madame Curie and Jolie Curie! What are they doing here!?"

All of a sudden, another duo of figures come down to the room and raised their weapons. They look like goblins but Ultima sensed that they have incredible amount of murk in them. One of the goblins shouts. "Oi! Who's you lot is Ultima? Our boss said he is the seer of this world's dimensions." All of them look at Ultima with surprised looks at their faces. Ultima just smiles and shouts back. "Hey! Looking for me?" The goblins glares at Ultima and threatens him to come there without a fight. Ultima just puts a smug grin in his face. He then turns to his battle outfit.

"Sorry, but I'm not a guy who walks away without a fight with my hands."
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And that is the 3rd chapter.

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