Disaster's End

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Every Protector had just finished their respective sector and is now heading towards Sector E. As they were nearing it, the murk becomes more stronger than ever, some of them began to walk away.

"Dude, we better back out from this. I don't think I can take much more of this murk."

"Yeah, my vision's getting blurry so I'll back out as well."

"I'll nope out as well. We would have multiple casualties before we even got to the source of the murk."

One by one, they retreat and never came back. Amidst to all the complaints, Ultima and the others we're still going to the source, even they are tired as the others. They also scowled at the ones who complained and backed out.

"They came this far only to back out at the end? Are they really Protectors?" Ez said.

"Maybe they want to retreat to gather up enough strength to backup us." Millie reassured hesitantly.

"I doubt it. They’re probably going to try to get away from here as soon as possible. They just don’t want to die. That’s probably not going to happen since the government is most likely caught wind of this.” Ultima said in a flat tone.

“What do you mean? Can’t we just waltz out after this?” Yusha asks, worried.

“He’s right. The government might see this like a disease and will force us to contain the students and ourselves until the situation dies down. You can still contact your parents and guardians but until then, avoid meeting them in person or trying to escape from here. The government will brand you as a convict if you do that.” Ramyah answered with a disgusted expression in his face.

“Not to mention, the chaos that would ensue after the decision. It would stir some trouble for us to contain them especially if the murk can be infectious to humans if we stayed too long in it. Unless Ultima here can absorb the murk like a divine being would.” Ramyah thought. Ultima noticed him thinking.

“I can absorb the murk here and in you all. I’ve been doing that since I became a divine being. It’s kinda my job now.” Ultima said. Ramyah is surprised that he can read his thoughts.

“I can tell by your facial expression. Isn’t that common sense for everyone?” Ultima said, while preparing his gun.

Ramyah just says nothing and continue on the path. He and the others are wondering why Ultima can be so calm in this dire situation. It feels like he has nothing to lose to be like that, like something has taken from him in order for him to be so apathetic. Something, or someone, like-

“You know, my parents always take us to dangerous missions like this, so it’s better to let that be my reason why I am calm about this.” Ultima suddenly says, making the group stop their train of thought.

Of course, he wouldn’t want them to be peeking on his personal life. He has gone through enough, so asking about it might resurface old memories and cause him to lose sight of the mission now.

As they finally reached the end of the corridor, a loud roar echoes in front of them. They readied their weapons and suddenly, they hear clopping. At first, they were hard to hear, and then it got louder, and louder, and louder…

Ultima suddenly shouts, “SPREAD!”, and everyone separated and a mutated Minotaur cam charging to their way, they leapt to each side of the Minotaur and charged at once. Curie, Yusha, and Ultima slashed through its body while Lynie, Anna, and Ez attacked from afar. Millie tended to their injuries while Ramyah buffs them to endure the Minotaur’s attacks.

Eventually, the Minotaur leapt back from the group and readied for another charge. Its eyes looked at Millie and charges.

“Dodge it!” Ultima shouted while casting Haste to Millie. Millie immediately dodges the impending pair of horns that could’ve impaled her if she didn’t dodge it earlier. However, the Minotaur did not stop there. It immediately turned around and targeted Yusha. Unlike Millie, she anticipated the attack and guarded using her blade. Both steel and horn clashed as Yusha continues to hold her ground. Lynie, Anna, and Ez use this opportunity and targeted its legs and arms. They take aim and fire, at the stationary enemy. Arrow and bullet pierce through the Minotaur’s flesh while dark flames burned the flesh to crisp. The Minotaur roars in pain as its movement is impaired. Everyone backs up and regroups as the Minotaur drops.

Everyone sighs in relief except Ultima who is still eyeing the monster. Suddenly the Minotaur looks at the group and opens its mouth and all the murk around them suddenly went to it. Ultima’s eye widen and shouts “Look out!” and went in front of the group. The Minotaur then fires a beam of pure murk to him and the party and pierces through the building.

As the dust settles, the group sees Ultima still fine, although the present wounds in his head seem to retract that statement.

“You aimed for the head. Smart.” Ultima said as he readies his sword once more, this time however, murk appeared around him and around his blade. The blade seems to have empowered as Ultima points it at the Minotaur.

“Yet, it never delivered the outcome you wished. Let me show you how I end my work.”

Ultima charges at the Minotaur and slashes its body numerous times. He never seems to stop until he leapt back to the party. He then shoots the Minotaur which it exploded into millions of pieces, blood splattering the walls of the corridor. Flesh scattered to the floor and ceiling. The party stares at Ultima in bewilderment as Ultima stares them back. He then said,

“So, are we going to finish this or what?”

The group arrives at the end of the corridor, where the last pillar that is standing. They then proceed to destroy when Ultima stops them. “Hold on, let me check something first.” he says. He then proceeds to touch the pillar and suddenly, all the murk stored in the pillar is being absorbed by him, all the while he’s getting flashbacks left and right. After that, the pillars disappears and he crumples down and the group approaches him with concern.

“Hey! You ok? The murk didn’t damage anything, did it?” Ez says, worried about his friends’ welfare. Ultima just reassures him that he is fine. Millie then raises her staff and heals his head wound.  He then stands up and went to a destroyed part of the hallway and looks outside. The murk surrounding the school are now gone and the sky is clear again. “Another crisis adverted, I guess.” he thought.

The group calls him and he went back with them, satisfied of the situation.

For now, at least.

So yeah, a year of hiatus and writer's block.

To be honest, I tried to make this chapter but I got lazy and lost sight of it.

About 6 months, I suddenly remembered doing this so I got to work. I actually had a draft readied for this but I double checked it and decided it wasn't good.

I worked on the 2nd draft but in the 8 month, I got writer's block again. Eventually, my friends noticed that I wasn't doing the story anymore and that made me thinking.

Am I losing my will to write this story for good?

The answer is no, I am not. It's just a lack of inspiration.

So I got my friends to edit this last chapter before the real story begins. And surprise, they actually didn't need to edit it. They say this chapter, unlike the previous ones, has really improved so I was proud of that. I'm also proud of my friends so I'm going to rely on them on editing the future chapters.

So yeah, the intro arc of the story is officially done and the story begins now. Hopefully, I might finish the next chapter in a month since we're all in our houses.

Thank you so much for waiting and keep waiting for more.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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