Maidame Curie

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Maidame Curie is just about to wake up when she heard loud snorings. When she open her eyes, she sees Jolie Curie clinging to her with red eyes. Figuring she had enough of the pain, Curie decided to gently let her grip loosen and get out of the bed they were resting. When she took a look on where they were at, the room had medicine and first-aid kits.

"Of course, someone brought us to the infirmary. Maybe this is a school? " she said. Just as she was heading out, Jolie called out her name.

"Sister! Please, don't leave me!" she cried out.

Sighing, Curie went over and calm her down. She hums a song which made Jolie drowsy. "Please, don't go... " she said before falling back to sleep again. Once she did, Curie went out before saying "Don't worry, I'll fix this... ".

When she got out, she went to the direction where the biggest murk is. After several minutes of walking in the hallway, she encounters a pair of slimes. They heard her footsteps and rush at her. Looking for a weapon, she sees a lone knife that is lodged to a goblin's body. She quickly removed it and run towards the slimes. She dashes through and finishes them off quickly. She then went off  to find the principal of this school. 


Ramyah checked all of the cameras in every Sector hallway. He was about to leave to get some supplies when he noticed someone dashing through the hallways that his eyes couldn't catch up with the figure. However, he rewinds one of them and shows that one of the maids that had fallen through the window have gotten up. Afraid that she might get in trouble, Ramyah got off of his seat and went on to find her. 


Curie went on from hallway to hallway but she couldn't find anyone, just slimes and goblins. The repetitive sights are tiring for her. She decided to rest at a balcony.  After a few minutes, she heard footsteps.She was about to draw her knife when she heard a deafening scream across the hallway. She went to the source and found Ramyah running for his life from a cloud of murk. She went to him and grab his hand quickly. They ran to the balcony and jump off the ledge. Falling down isn't one of Ramyah's ideas so he took out his cane and used it to grab a ledge of an open window. The murk that was following them seem to believe that they have fallen to their doom so it vaporized away. Ramyah then swings them to a closed window and crashes them to the floor.

Once they knew the murk was gone, the two of them groan in pain as they stood up from the floor. They brush off the broken glass on their outfits. Before Curie would go, Ramyah holds her shoulder and urges her to stay.

"Hey, we hadn't introduce ourselves. Not to mention that you save me from a situation that even myself can't handle." he said with a genuine smile.

Curie would have disagreed him but she realizes that she is in a situation where she is helpless. Sighing, she reluctantly stays and introduces herself.

"My name is Maidame Curie. I am the time deity of my homeworld. Please to meet you." she said with a grin.

"Likewise, my name is Ramyah Palestine. The principal of Asdivinian High School."

They talked about their lives and how did Curie get here in the first place. Apparently, she and her sister were taking a stroll outside of their home world when suddenly they got attacked by Alpha and somehow manages to overpower them. Curie was speechless as no one has ever beaten her. Only one person has become her match. Before they could fight any longer, Alpha erased their powers altogether, bringing her home world in peril. Afterwards, he sent them to Wysteria, where they would meet Ultima and gain help from him.

Ramyah was very intrigued by her story. "Maybe this was a gift by Luminos..." he thought. When they are finished talking, they gathered everything they could find in the room. Health potions, mana potions, panaceas, and other stuff. Once they have enough, Curie opens the door and checks for enemies. Once the are is cleared, the two got out and went to the hallway. Suddenly, Curie remembers something and froze in place. Ramyah notices this asks about it.

"I simply forgot about my sister in the infirmary. I suggest we should get to her first before we go to where you take us." she said with a hint of worry. Ramyah just smiles.

"Alright, let us get your sister then."


Jolie was enjoying her sleep and dream. She is dreaming about being the older for once and orders her sister every time. She was about to drool the her pillow when she hears something floating. Just as she opens her eyes, she closes them back as she saw a cloud of murk just at the door. She curses her luck for being so bad mentally as she figures out how to get out of here fast. As she was thinking about it, she thinks about her sister.

"I think I really need her help right now. Like, about anytime now!"


Curie and Ramyah evaded any encounter they could have and finally they arrived to the infirmary. Well, sorta since they hid behind a wall as they immediately see the cloud of murk that was guarding the door for awhile. Curie is worried about her sister when Ramyah calls someone on his phone. The receiver picks it up and Ramyah begins to speak.

"Commander Kath, may I trust you with a request?"

"Of course, sir. What seems to be the problem?"

Ramyah gives a long sigh and says, "There is an enemy that in front of the infirmary and we are to retrieve the maids that we rescued. Can I trust you on getting it's attention?"

The phone went silent before Kath answers, "Alright. I'll go there as fast as I could."

Ramyah grins. "Thank you. However, once you see it, get it's attention only and do not engage it. Apparently, they don't have an effect on our weapons and it somehow possesses anything that is full of life and transforms it to monsters. I do not want to risk losing you. It's bad for your platoon."

Kath chuckles at his concern. "Don't worry, sir. It takes me at least all of those monsters to take me down."

The phone call ended and they waited for her to come. After a few hours, they heard several gunshots and the cloud of murk follows the source of the sound. Once it is out of sight, they rushed to the room and sees Jolie curled up like a ball. They could hear faint sobbing. Curie hurries to her side. She calms her down and heaves her up. Curie looks at Ramyah and he nods immediately. They quickly get out of the room and rushed to the meeting room.

While they are running, Curie thinks about what is the fate of Asdivine and it's other dimensions. "I hope this should be just a trivial issue. I hate it when this is going down as fast as hell."


Alright. For those who don't know some names or words, here they are are:

Wysteria- One of the dimensions of Asdivine

And to be not confused, Maidame Curie will be only called Curie while Jolie Curie will be Jolie.

Anyways, thank you for reading and so sorry about the very late update.


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