Chapter 2

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A/N: Hi again! Well, its the same day, and I'm uploading again so.. yeah :) I hope it isn't bad! If you have any suggestions, comment please!


MC :) x


Hayley's POV

"Well, lads, that wasn't a proper introduction to Hayley here," Liam frowned at them, "Shall we start over guys?" 

"Heyya Hayley! I'm Ricky, but I'm actually Louis. I like Kevin."  

"Hi I'm Harry. But I'm Billy too.. I'm confused Liam.." Harry frowned at his own words- cute! "Was that your friend back there? She's really pretty."

I blushed for her- yes Leah was stunning, "She's my best friend, yeah.. And she is gorg!"

They all shook their heads.

"Hey Hayley, I'm Zayn or Joey. Whichever you like most." Zayn flippantly greeted, waving at me and grinning slightly. 

"Hey Hayley! Real nice to meet ya, if you didn't already know I'm Niall!" 

"And you're fake name is...?" Liam prompted. 

"Bary? Brian? I forgot."

Liam facepalmed then corrected him, "It's Gary, Niall."

"Oh." Hey replied innocently and blushed a little, outstretching his hand toward me. I instantly took it and felt the warmth of his hands flow around my rather cold and wet hands. 

Oh gosh, I didn't realise I was soaking, and I was meeting One Direction like this? Unacceptable! Really, I must look awful! 

"No you don't look awful love!" Louis comforted. My bad habit of saying my thoughts out loud really, really needs to stop here. 

Niall looked at me intently, "No way, totally disagree with your statement. Take it back." The boys all agreed with this, slinging their arms around each other.

Now, this was my cue to burn bright red. My cheeks were practically flaming hot! I could feel myself slowly into a tomato... 

I had to agree with Harry- where was Leah? In the middle of a conversation with freaking One Direction (she didn't know that though) and she just.. left? I hope she comes soon, I mean, she was a huge fan too.. but not as big as a directioner as me! 

The boys and I continued on talking about random facts about each of us in a slightly less congested area by the loungers on deck. They still wore their sunglasses though, still not wanting any other people to recognise who they are.. I'm pretty sure I'm a nuisance to them, just another fan. 

Leah decides to save me from internal embarassment of realising that I was just a one-off friendship to them.. 

"What are you talking about Hayley? No way are you some 'just another fan'! Really, you're nice, funny, fun to be with and pretty!" Liam gasped. 

Okay, this habit of mine, really really needs to go now or else I will permanently become the living tomato. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Leah butted in slinging her arm sloppily around my shoulders. 

"Uhm, we were talking about her being a directioner." Niall saved. 

Harry stuttered, "Y-Yeah, she was telling us how a big fan she was of the british band One Direction."

The boys seemed to sigh in relief for the quick save by Niall. I'm not sure if I should tell her about who they really were? I mean, I was bursting with excitement and my inner fangirl was highly entertained and was dying to tell Leah, but I have to respect the boys' wishes and privacy, so I'll just let her figure it out herself or let them tell her themselves. 

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