The hospital

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Shawns POV
I've been waiting at the hospital for about 3 hours now.. Lia was in a coma. I really hope I don't lose her. I wouldn't be able to live without her..

blackness. That's all I could see. I'm fighting and fighting. This is too much. I didn't even get to tell Shawn. I need him to know how much I love him. I'm dying. Of cancer.
I'm walking into school when I feel a sharp pain on my side. Cramps probably, I keep walking , hopefully this pain wears off soon. soon enough it didn't. It's unbearable. I need to get put of here. I pull out my phone and call my mom.
" hey mom can you please come pick me up? I'm in really bad pain" I say on the verge of tears.
"Sure baby, just wait outside of the school, I'll be there in a couple minutes I just need to finish up this paperwork."
"Okay thanks mom, love you."
"Love you too see you soon." I hang up the phone and start to walk back up to the front of the school. As I'm walking everything starts getting blurry. next thing I know I'm knocked out.

I wake up in the hospital. I see doctors in front of me and I'm hooked up to a lot of ivs.
"We have to do more tests, but were lucky we found it when early." I hear the doctor say. I look over at my mom and she's crying. What's going on?
"Mom what is he talking about?" My mom realizes I'm awake and jumps up and runs over to me.
"Oh baby, listen to me.. They found cancer but don't worry it's early. You'll be fine I promise" Wow. Cancer. I never thought this could happen to me. Why me? That question kept running through my head. Why me? Why me?

I just want to feel Shawn's soft lips against mine. I miss him. I know it sounds stupid but I miss his smile. I miss the way he blushes when I tell him he's cute. Then I realize. I have to fight. I can't let this be the end of me. I fight the darkness until I see light. But it's not the light I was hoping to see. All I see now is a never ending grass field. Wow it's beautiful. Then I hear a voice.. "Lia, please don't leave me. I need you to fight...." It's Shawn..

Shawn's POV

I need to tell her how much I love her. I've always heard that people in a coma can hear what you saying. Hey it's worth a try..
" Lia, please don't leave me. I need you to fight for me. I know is hard but please try, I never loved anyone as much as I love you. You are the most amazing, beautiful, creative, funny girl I've ever met. I just want to be able to hold you, tell you how much I love you. I miss the way your beautiful blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight. if you leave me I won't ever be able to love anyone, I won't be able to live with myself.. " As I'm talking I hear beep beep beep. no no no no no no!!
"Lia! no no no no!! don't leave me!" I'm sobbing. The nurses pull me out of the room and take Lia to a different room.. I can't lose her. I can't let her leave me.

UPDATE FINALLLYYY!! Please vote and comment(: update coming soon!

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